Originally Posted by xshannonx
pams please it is great
Thanks Shannon, it means alot that you're reading.
Originally Posted by Aule
hehe..tony almeida
keep up the good work mate
Ever heard of him? Well, his cover won't stay for long.
Originally Posted by danismine
lol, kool post. tony almeida. like the name.
PAMS so we kno wat happens on Xmas day!!!
ooo, Xmas day, I wonder what'll happen.
Originally Posted by tatewin
New reader here! I just loved this story! It is very well thought out and written. I love that you brought Sirius back, killed Nagini and Greyback! I can't wait to read more of your twists and turns although I must admit that your cliffies are raising my blood pressure to new heights!
Welcome Tatewin, it's great to know that you're enjoying this, but one thing. Me, cliffies? I'd never
Originally Posted by daniel_radcliffe_fan_4eva
you story is amazing! i love it and cant wait for more. plz post more
Thanks, I hope to post more, just in awhile.
Ok, so here's what's happening. I have ideas ready for a next chapter and post ready, but earlier today I had to get an injection and my arm is really drowsy so it would be a pain typing up lotsa stuff. But I will try to post s'more in the next week because after next wednesday, I might not be able to update as regularly.