thanks narglesRnifty! im a huge r/hr shipper too... it's like, ask her out already! anyway, we all know it's meant to be.
and thanks for stopping by jk fan. i try to make it 'flow together' as much as i can. and yeah, i can't wait for me to write more too.

im being lazy and uninspired at the moment...
and eliza, you had your sister read it too??? aaww... *feels special* thanks for the reassurance, but i still think i didn't capture hermione's anger about ron. i'll make it up next time though...

*glomps you back*
and lala!!

*loves on you* you're too sweet. thanks for subscribing too. i'll try not to make you wait longer next time...
and to all of you, i really do appreciate these comments. it makes me want to write more, knowing that it's being read. i actually wrote several poems before, but i never really shared them. they were sort of just.. outlets from my emotional teen days. but now... im always so flattered...
thanks again!!

*glomps all my readers*