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Old 12-24-2003, 08:48 AM   #254 (permalink)
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Also remind her not to die.
^that was hillarious oh and this..

"But what about my sister? We need to find her and make sure that she is remembering to eat and put on warm socks and never go outside with wet hair!"

"And not dying. Don't forget that you need to be sure she isn't dying," Harry added helpfully.

"And then *snifflesnortsob* we went out the front door and turned right and walked about 10 paces to sit under an oak tree. I'm sure it was oak *snifflesob* because Cedric said something quite romantic about my wand being made of oak *snort*. He always said things like that. So we sat under this tree *snifflesnifflesnifflesniffle* and..."

"STICKY AND ORANGE!" Cho shrieked. "That reminds me of Cedric's fondness for orange-flavored Tootsie Pops *sobsob*. I.... *GLUG*"

Hermione poured out the pitcher of pumpkin juice on Cho's head. "Mmm... I enjoy being evil. And now you can enjoy being sticky and orange."
actually, now that I think about it...I liked the whole thing. YAY FOR CASS!!! It was evil..and sticky...and orange...oh and MAUVE!!!! :sorcerer: :wub: :flowersmile:

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