As Harry and Ron walked up to the changing room they noticed that Hermione and Luna were sat in the stands, whilst everyone was leaving.
“Excuse me,” Harry began, “Me and my friend were wondering, erm, can we play a bit of quidditch with you?”
One of the players turned around and looked at them. He chuckled and calmly said, “O’ Course you can. Sure thing, what’s your position?”
“Keeper and he’s a seeker,” Ron said.
“Perfect, we can get started now, and sorry ‘bout nearly getting you with the bludger earlier.”
”Oh, it’s no problem,” Ron mumbled.
The man walked into the changing rooms and came out a minute later with a few more players. They got on their broomsticks and Harry and Ron remembered that they didn’t have theirs.
”Accio Broomsticks,” Harry said pointing his wand in the direction of Gryffindor tower. He felt his wand vibrating so he knew that it was working, and after a minute, the two brooms flew through the air and arrived, positioning themselves ready to be flown. Harry let out a smile as the the quidditch player look at him in awe.
“You normally do that?” One of the men asked.
“Just a few times,” Harry said.
Now they were all in the air and a man from the ground threw the quaffle in the air. Harry went to catch it and took at the shot at the goal, where Ron was guarding. The players were watching Harry and Ron closely, as Hermione and Luna were. As Harry took a shot Ron made a terrific dive and stopped the ball. The Chudley Cannon players began applauding saying that they hadn’t seen a save like that for a while.
”Ever thought of having a career in quidditch?” He asked.
Ron smiled, and said, “Only as dreams.”
They laughed saying, “Well, you’re good enough for it. You should try out when you finish Hogwarts. Maybe one day, you’ll be playing Wood.”
Soon after, the sun had faded and a crimson shadow was in the sky.
”I think it’s time you kids should go in.” The Chudley Cannons captain said, landing on the ground, along with his fellow team mates.
They walked into the changing rooms taking the balls as Harry and Ron were slowly landing. They flew over to the stands where Hermione and Luna were sat and landed there. Ron was excited with the idea of playing for Chudley Cannons and kept telling the girls about the details.
As they were about to enter the Hogwarts castle they heard a noise in the sky. It was a low rumble flying through the clouds with two bright lights lighting the sky.
Harry pulled his wand out, and the others did the same as this noisy set of lights began descending. At the rate it was going, it was going to touch the grounds in less than thirty seconds. It was too late to try and get the headmaster, so wand aimed, they waited for the object to land. They were in for a surprise.
A man jumped of the huge motor bike. He had dark hair which was covering his eyes. He wore a large fur overcoat and a dark jumper underneath.
“Sirius?” Harry said running to the man.
Did'ja expect that? I did say something was going to happen away from cannon