Thread: The Quill Forms
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Old 03-19-2006, 04:25 PM
fr2nc1z fr2nc1z is offline
Default The Quill Forms

Welcome all to the "Forms" thread, where we will keep tabs on things that need to get accomplished. In here you can post about: 1) your submissions, 2) who you will interview, 3) articles, 4) questions about the quill or about your submission, 5) and everything else Quill-related.

Detailed Instructions:
1. Ideas - your ideas will have to be posted here.

2. Submission of articles:
First and Second Drafts: PM either Francis and Sarah (depending on what article you are doing)
Final Drafts: PM to Francis

If you are wondering who you are submitting to read on:

Parvatifan: General writer
HPCHAMP101: General writer
BrightestWitch: General writer

Pottermaniac: Quidditch Announcer
Aiangel327: General writer

Quoting Sarah below:

Ok, Sarah has this 'thing' with needing submissions forms, exactly the way she wants them. She just does.

So if you all wouldn't mind using this format, I'd love it and you'll save me many obessive compulsive years of my life. Please fill this form out as one of the first things you do BEFORE you send us any drafts.

Title of your Article: (I understand this might change)
What is your Article about:
Your Current SS Quill Position: (editor, general writer, other)
Who are you Sending drafts to: (Sarah or Francis)
Is there anything you need from us? (quotes, information, cookies...)
Are you interviewing anyone? (if yes, who?)
Below, I will do a sample form for my 'article' that I'll be doing, in case you are still confused:

Originally Posted by Sarah
Lightstar1154 (Sarah)- (February Edition)

Title of your Article: 30-Second-Interviews
What is your Article about: It will feature a random student from the school, and ask about 5 quick questions.
Your Current SS Quill Position: Co-Slave Driver Editor, Coder, and 30-Second-Interviewer
Who are you Sending drafts to: Francis
Is there anything you need from us? Nope, but if anyone has any suggestions on possible interviewees, I'd love you to PM them to me.
Are you interviewing anyone? Of course I will. I plan on interviewing one of the prefects, since I'm sure they will get back to me on time
Questions: None!