Originally Posted by Raider
Rave winked at Julie and turned back to her potion. She dipped the brush into her potion and sat there for a moment thinking. She then smiled and painted a snitch on one cheek and the word seeker on the other. She laughed as the hair started to grow in those shapes, she turned in Julie and Ozzy's direction and asked "So how do I look" before she burst out laughing at their appearance. 'Now this is the way to end the term' Rave thought with a smile hopeing the professor wasnt going to get mad.
Ozzy turned to Rave. "Excellent!" He said. "I should have done that!" He added going further into his manical fit of laughter, clutching his stomache, a few tears streaming down his face as he did so.
He noticed that the Professor was a bit pre-occupied at the moment and saw a window of opprotunity. He uncapped a small vial and laddled a fair ammount of the Potion into it, recapped it and slipped it into his robe pocket.
"I an have some fun with this..." He thought to himself then turned to look at Professor Braxton. "P... Pofess... or..." He tried to say through his layghing fit. "W-wha...t... do... we... do... now?" He asked trying to keep a straight face, but failing miserably at it.