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Old 12-21-2003, 04:50 AM   #1 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League
t3h EJ
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Default Edge - EEFFD Dare... To Be Different - Sa13+

Hello, all… This is my first fanfic… Hope ya’ll enjoy it…

Harry and Hermione spent their last days of summer in the Burrow. Before returning to Hogwarts, they had to visit Diagon Alley to buy supplies. As usual, their means of transportation is the Floo Powder. Harry was not taken to the idea and suggested that they get there by riding on Cassirins' chickens.
"Oh no, not them," said Ron. "Remember last time, I don't want to feel the Almighty Cassirin's wrath once again." He went to a corner, sat down and looked terrified.
Harry still didn't want to travel by Floo Powder. Finally, after a lot of convincing, which involved Fred and George pulling down Harry's pants and Hermione pulling down Ron's pants (for no reason), they gathered by the fireplace.
Harry was about to get some Floo powder when Mrs. Weasley stopped him and produced a begging hand.
"Wha...?" Harry said.
"One galleon, please," Mrs. Weasley said matter-of-factly.
"Wha...?" Harry said.
"Floo powder is becoming very expensive now. Either pay or stay here..."
"Wha...?" Harry said while taking out a galleon from his pocket.
Mrs. Weasley snatched it from him and said, "Thank you. Have a nice day."
Harry finally got some powder. He was about to step inside the fireplace when a person suddenly appeared in it.
"Hey, where am I?" the person asked.
"You're in the Burrow," said Ron.
"Oh really??? Well, I thought this was Sbarro. Oh, anyways. I'm Another_Weasley... Nice meeting ya'll. And sorry." After that, he disappeared.
The children stared at Mrs. Weasley. Finally, George asked, "We have a sister named 'Another'?"
Mrs. Weasley was shocked. "I don't know. Maybe she's from America or something..." she said stuttering.


Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Mrs. Weasley finally reached Diagon Alley. Fred and George just apparated because they said they still have to do something (which is researching about 'Another_Weasley')...
As they entered the Leaky Cauldron, they noticed a bunch of people drinking. The odd thing is, you normally wouldn't see this group of people together and happy. A man with long purple robes, long beard, long fingers, and a long, pointed hat greeted them.
"Hello, my dear students. Want a firewhiskey, perhaps???"
A hooded man replied, "Now, now, Albus... You know children aren't allowed to drink."
"Well, Tom. You wouldn't really be allowed to say that. I remembered you when you were fifteen. I caught you and your gang in the Hog's Head. Now, what do you have to say for yourself, 'Lord You-Not-Who???"
"How dare you insult me? I'm the great Voldemort!"
Dumbledore replied, "If you were, and I mean 'were', so great, then how come little baby Harry defeated you."
A large man, who was sitting with them, gave a horrible, loud laugh. "Right yeh're, Professor." Afterwards, he gulped a giant barrel of firewhiskey and fell asleep right on the spot.
Tom replied, "Why you!!! Avada Kedavra..."
Dumbledore disapparated before the spell hit him, so the spell hit Pettigrew who was right behind Dumbledore.
"Wormtail, you're such an idiot..." Tom muttered before disapparating, too...


"That was kinda odd," Ron told Harry after leaving Leaky Cauldron. "Ain't it, Hermione??" But she wasn't there.
"Now, where could she have gone?" Harry asked.
"I'll tell you!!!" It was Draco Malfoy... He jumped in front of them wearing... a 'Superman' costume!!!
Ginny said, with hands on her chin, eyes looking dreamily, "My hero!!!"
"What's wrong with you, Draco?" Harry asked, looking shocked but trying to suppress a laugh.
"Who's Draco? I'm Clark Kent a.k.a. Superman. But there's no time to loose. We must act now before something bad happen to her. Come on!!!"
He did a sort-of flying style with one hand up in the air before running.
They were frozen for a moment before Ron said something, "Who's this Superman???"
"Oh, he's a muggle superperson. But no time to explain, I think he really know something."
They followed him until they reached a garden. Draco said, "I'll call for back-up," and left. When they entered, they saw Hermione, sitting on a chair in the middle of the garden, and there was another guy with blond hair, who was wearing an Elvis' suit, and singing Elvis' songs.
"Wise men say, only fools rush in...
But I can't help falling in love with you...
Shall I stay, would it be a sin...
If I can't help falling in love with you..."
Harry and Ron approached Hermione. Ron said, "What's wrong with you?"
Hermione said, "Isn't he great?"
Harry replied, "Yeah... if you're 40 years old or something."
Draco returned with her mother dressed like 'Catwoman'. She shouted at the singing guy, "Lucius, what are you doing??? Get here this instant."
Lucius, the Elvis' suit guy, was still singing...
"Oh my love, my darling
I hunger for your touch
A long, lonely time...
"When time, goes by so slowly
And time can do so much
Are you, still mine...."
Narcissa was already very mad so she took matters in her own hands. She went to Lucius, grabbed his' ear and pulled him away from Hermione and out of the garden. Draco then shouted, "The day is saved, thanks to Superman!!!" And he ran after them.
Hermione shooks a little, like she was waken up, then she asked, "Where am I?"
Ron replied, "You're in a garden, and Lucius Malfoy was serenading you..."
Hermione's face looked like she was going to vomit. "Really? Well, it's because I found out that Draco had a nervous breakdown and he did a spell that affected us both."
Harry said, "Glad you're OK... Now, let's go home before the craziness sinks in on us, too."
They found Mrs. Weasley and Ginny inside Flourish and Blotts carrying a lot of books. Ron put more stuff on top of the pile of books that his mom was carrying, and said, "Come on, Mom. Move quickly. Let's go home." That night, Ron received the best beating of his life...

BTW, This was inspired by Medraut’s dare…
>Lucius must serenade Hermione
>Narcissa must find out and get jealous
>Draco must have a mental breakdown and start insisting that HE IS superman (complete w/costume)
>The newest member (another_weasley) of the EEFFD must make an appearance
>And..... Hagrid must get VERY VERY drunk
Hello sweetie. <3
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