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Old 03-04-2006, 10:29 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Location: ♥Deep in the Rocky Mountains, snowboarding and waiting for Dan to come find me.♥
Posts: 28
Default boarder_gurl's EEFFD Sa9+

Here is my first dare: (feel free to get out the rotten veggies)

It was Christmas day in Hogwarts. don’t ask me why. It just was. Ron was strolling the corridors, munching on Milk Duds, a muggle candy Harry had given him. Wishing he had discovered them before now, he wasn’t paying any attention. A herd of pink elephants jumped past on pogo sticks. He didn’t notice. A flock- gaggle- what do you call a bunch of snowmen?- ran past. He didn’t notice. harry went past, muttering about the dursleys and how much they cared for him. all ron said was, "so thats how it is in their family! he was lying!" then went back to munching. he ran headlong into Snape, the greasy jerk, who was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He noticed.

“Weasley! 10 points from Gryffindor for not paying atten--are those Milk duds?”

Ron gave a noncommittal nod, knowing he would find out anyways.

Snape said, “give me the milk duds and I will give 100 points to Gryffindor.”

“But sir, theres only one more. And they were my Christmas present!”

“Detention for withholding milk duds!” snape fumed.

“theyre mine!”

“not anymore!!”

“are too!”

“are not!”

“are too are too are too are too!!!!”

“are not are not are not are not!!!!”

“are too times infinity so there!”

“are not times infinity times infinity!”

“are too times infinity times infinity to the infinite power!!”

They continued in this fashion--sounding a lot like 3 year olds--for about an hour when snape unexpectedly lunged at ron. “GIMME THE MILK DUD!”





Snape tripped Ron, and the milk dud went flying. Mrs. Norris happened to walk by and curiously sniff the dud. She proceeded to eat it. The squabble ended with Ron walking away. He went to find harry. “do you have any milk duds left? Snape made me lose my last one.” he heard an unexpected voice from behind a suit of armor.

“oh yes. Always blame the professor. That will work well for you in later life.” it said sarcastically.

“whos there?” ron asked nervously. For some reason that mystical voice sounded familiar.

“your conscience!” the person added mysteriously.

“my conscience is a girl?” he asked in wonder.

“Ronald you dunderhead. You really thought I was your conscience?” she stepped out from behind the armor. It was Loony--*cough* sorry, Luna Lovegood. "Also, beware of groups of first years"

“n-no. Harry quit laughing! I didn’t. Really!” stalking off, he went through a pack of firsties. All he heard was excited chattering. What one of them had really said though, was “will you star in our Christmas ballet?” Ron, not hearing this part, had nodded, pretending he was listening. The ballet was to start at 7:00 right before dinner.

When the students went down to dinner, they saw a stage set up. On that stage were a few sugar plum fairies and a very bewildered looking redhead evil giant rat thingy dude. The music started up, and the fairies started “flying” away from said bewildered redhead evil giant rat thingy dude, henceforth known as the rat. Ron/rat started doing pirouette leaps and such, following the fairies. All in all, it was a fiasco. A funny fiasco, but a fiasco none the less.

Afterwards, back stage, ron, now out of rat costume, looked at the ceiling and said, “why?”

“because, A, it was in the dare that you had to be in a ballet. And B, though not a member yet, I am evil in training. I am also your author, and you have to listen to me. I can make you very rich, or very dead.” this shut him up.

The Endness... *hides from rotten veggies*

the dare:
Lissydove's dare:
* Ron stars in a ballet
* Luna is the voice of reason
* Two people fight over a Milk Dud
* Someone says "So that's how it is in their family!"
* Objects: Pink elephants, a snowman, a pogo stick, and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Due March 5th, 2006

the pygmy puffs will rule the world. i can guarantee it.

Last edited by boarder_gurl; 03-05-2006 at 01:49 AM.
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