Originally Posted by lizgrintluvsrupert4ever
omg , this is soooooo good! the best ever! i love it! my new fave! i worship this...lol! love it, keep up the tops werk!
Lol *blush* well thank you so very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading!
Originally Posted by lizgrintluvsrupert4ever
oh no - ur not posting any more? pleeeeease change ur mind and post more, u hav sumthing great here!
Lol no I'm not posting anymore, this is a stand alone story, although it easily could be turned into a chaptered story...I don't know, it seems that everytime I try to write something it turns into a huge epic I never finish! Why don't we just take baby steps and see what happens?
Originally Posted by Lady_Jezz
Oh...I knew it....I knew it was Hermione!!! That was sooooo amazing, you write so well....awesome!!!
But little question....Hermione says she loves 'him', someone other than Draco....who is 'he'???? Is it Harry...is it Ron...who???
I really do love your style, hope you decide to write more fics....
Thanks for the compliment! lol, I'm glad you were able to figure out who it was, I was wondering if anyone would...
Hermione does say 'him' and I didn't reveal the identity of this person on purpose. I like leaving that question for the reader to wonder about. lol
Thanks again for your wonderful comments! You have inspired me to continue writing fanfiction!