Bother bother Puffskein
Join Date: Jun 2003 Location: on a Vacation from Real...
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| never fear! jJes is here!! *grin* Chapter Five: Dreams and Pleas of Innocence The door to Draco’s cell slid back and he lifted his head to see the tall silhouette of a woman, with curly brown hair and monumental bum. He squinted in the low-lit room to see her face, but before he could make it out, she had slid the door shut again, and they were alone in the dark. Draco heard his mystery woman pause as she slipped the heels off of her delicate feet. She dangled them off of her finger as she walked towards him, his breath coming in shorter spurts with every step she took. Draco sat up when she was almost to him and leaned back against the near wall, his eyes traveling up and down her slim figure. The woman stopped right in front of him and dropped her shoes with a clatter. Draco looked down at them for a moment and then back up at her. He reached out and touched the bottom of her thigh, letting his hand travel further up her long leg as far as he could reach. "Hello, Draco," and her deep, sexy voice echoed through the cold, dark room and sent an involuntary shiver down Draco’s spine. Draco opened his mouth and tried to reply, but he couldn’t get any words to come out. Instead he stared up at this amazing woman, mouth still open, eyes vividly excited. She smiled and bent her knees, crouching down to where he sat on the stone floor. Her face was now just inches from his own, and Draco could feel her warm breath on his face. He closed his eyes and suddenly became very aware of his hand still on her thigh. He cracked his eyes back open and looked at it sitting there and then up at her gorgeous face. It was radiating lust and affection from every golden crevice, as he realized who it was. He opened his mouth again to say her name but she shushed him, putting a finger to his lips. Draco’s heart pounded in his chest at her soft touch, and she moved her face towards his; she hovered , her lips barely an inch from his own, teasing him with her seduction, before kissing his chin and moving slowly downward to his neck and then his collarbone. He closed his eyes as she worked her magic; there were butterflies in his stomach as her lips caressed his skin. Suddenly, Draco felt those lips touch to his own, and ecstasy flowed through him like water. He kissed her back, passionately deepening the embrace as she inched herself closer to him, fitting her body into his. Draco moved his hand from her thigh and then let both of his hands travel up the back of her tidy, iron-smooth shirt. He felt her skin pric*kle as it responded to his touch and he grinned against her lips. It felt so right, having here there in his arms. One hand slipped out from under her shirt and caressed her soft curls, holding her head and angling it towards his own. Draco was hungry for her scent as she broke away from him and began to unbutton her own shirt. Draco watched as the buttons slid open and then as she tossed the garment away across the floor. He held onto her pale, bare skin as she unzipped his orange prison suit and he leaned his head back against the cold concrete as she got him out of his dirty prison clothes. Draco put his lips to her chest and kissed her skin, breathing her name into the quiet surroundings. "Hermione…" he whispered. "Hermione...Hermione…Hermione…" Draco awoke to the sound of his own voice, echoing through his cold and empty cell. He wiped his eyes and sat up. Then his eyes jerked open as he remembered the dream he had just woken up from. Her…and, and him…ohhh, this is not good, Draco thought to himself, closing his eyes and sighing deeply. He hadn’t been able to get her out of his head all week, but at least –until last night - Hermione had stayed clear of his subconscious. He didn’t have very long to think about it. The next second he heard the familiar sound of the lock clicking open on his cell and the door sliding open. Bernie, one of the newer security guards on his hall appeared in front of him. "Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Granger is here to see you," he said. Draco nodded and stood up. He glanced quickly downward and silently said a mental prayer that the dream had ended when it had. He walked out the door and was escorted down the hallway by Bernie. Draco walked as slowly as he could down the hallway behind Bernie. He shuffled along, pretending to find everything about the bare walls and dim filtered lights interesting, but it was no use. "Hurry up there, Mr. Malfoy!" Bernie called to him as he waited by the door behind which he knew she was waiting. Draco sighed and picked up the pace, arriving next to the guard in a matter of seconds. "If I didn’t know any better, I’d say there was a reason to your stalling Mr. Malfoy. I might also say that that reason is sipping coffee on the other side of that door." He raised a knowing eyebrow at Draco and grinned. "Good luck, lover-boy," he said, chuckling as he turned and walked back down the dreary hallway to his desk. "Good morning, Draco," Hermione said cheerily as he entered the small room and took the seat across from her. Draco grunted in reply, keeping his head down to avoid eye contact. Hermione raised her eyebrows at his lack of a greeting and sighed. "I hope I am correct in thinking that you received the basket I left with your hall guard last week?" she said, trying again to engage Draco in conversation. He grunted again, his eyes still locked on his feet. Hermione sighed again and stood up, placing a hand on each hip and glaring down at her client unhappily. "Mr. Malfoy!" she said, raising her voice and adding to it a crispness that would have cracked a mirror is there had been one in the room. Draco involuntarily looked up at her as she screeched his name. "Well, that’s better," she said, though still looking a little grumpy at his attitude. "What, may I ask, is your problem today, Draco?" she watched him as he shifted in his seat. He was thinking over in his head what the best lie would be to tell her, for he feared what Hermione might do to him if he remained silent. She sure is scarier than she was in school…except for that she punched me… He rubbed his nose involuntarily as he remembered the sting of that hit. "Well…?" she waited for his answer. "It’s personal," he mumbled into his shirt, but she got the drift. "Fine, I won’t question you further, but I will say this: We will not win this case if you don’t corporate with me, Draco. I want to get you out of the prison as quickly as possible and with as little punishment as possible, partly because it’s my job but mostly because I know you don’t deserve to be her in the first place. Now, I am trying very hard to do all of this for you, but we are a team and you will need to trust me if you want to win this." The word ‘trust’ bounced around Draco’s head like a pinball just released from the machine. He hadn’t trusted anyone his entire childhood – it had been beaten out of him by his father. It wasn’t until long after Lucius Malfoy had gotten himself killed that Draco had decided to turn over another lead, and it was then that he had found Camilla. She had taught him how to trust, as well as how to love, and he wasn’t sure that he would ever be able to feel those things again now that she was gone. As if he was realizing all of this for the first time, Draco felt a wave of sadness engulf him. His nose began to pric*kle as he fought back tears. As he remembered where he was and that he was not alone, Draco sniffed deeply and tried to discreetly wipe the corner of his eyes. He looked up at Hermione, who was watching him carefully. He nodded. "Ok." That was all he said, but it was enough for her. She let out a small smile before taking her seat. Draco picked up the thermos next to him on the desk and poured himself a large cup of coffee and picked up a donut as well. Hermione got her paper out from her briefcase and clicked her pen. "Ok, now where were we?" As Draco shuffled back to his cell two hours later, he was in a much better mood, an effect that only Hermione had managed to have on him since his arrival in the hellhole. The guard tipped his hat as he let Draco back in and then shut the heavy door behind him. In the corner of his cell there was another care packed from Hermione. There were heaps of fruit (bananas and apples and oranges mostly), a few muffins and –of course- a large slab of chocolate. She had also left him some tea packets and small pillow for him to sleep on. At the bottom of the basket, Draco found a small, wrapped present. He lifted it out and looked at the note that was attached to it. Draco, Cheer up! I know it’s been tough in here to have any fun, but I hope these help. We’re doing great; I know we can win this! ~ Hermione Draco pulled the paper off of the small gift and found himself holding a deck of exploding snap cards. He grinned to himself as he thought of his days on the train to Hogwarts so many years ago and the echoes of laughter that ran through the compartments while the student played with their magical toys. He set the cards aside for now, lay his head down on the pillow she had left and soon he was fast asleep once again. weeeeeeeee! finally I had time to finish the chapter so, there it is and I hope you enjoyed, but I can promise I won't have time before spring break (it's coming up on the 8th, though, so don't worry!!) and then I will definitely start adding more!!
comments, pleeeassee!
~Jes xo
p.s sorry I had to write pric*kle like that but it won't let me write it just as it is because it had a bad word in the comes out like this *****le, and then you would have no idea what was going on. lol..anyone we can talk to about that? it's kinda odd, because it's a completely harmless word, lol
Last edited by jes_is_bak; 02-27-2006 at 12:39 PM.