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Old 02-16-2006, 05:25 AM   #60 (permalink)

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Sabrina glanced up as the professor wrote the ingredients on the board. She pulled out her cauldron and measured out the ingredients, careful not to squeeze the leeches. She brought the water to a boil and then added the Jobberknoll feathers, boiling it for 5 minutes.

While she waited she used her mortar and pestle to grind the frog spawn. She added this to the feathers and water and stirred 25 times counterclockwise. As she waited for it to simmer for 5 minutes, she sliced the ginger root into nice, even pieces and sliced up the leeches, careful not to get squirted by the leech juice. She then dumped the ginger root and cut leeches into the pot and stirred the entire mixture 25 times counterclockwise. She let this sit for 10 minutes and then peered inside. Ah, a nice smooth gray appearance.

Sitting back, she watched the class until she heard the professor begin to speak again. Looking around the classroom, she spotted Meghan. “Hey, Meghan. Want to be my partner?” she asked, with a smile.
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