Join Date: Oct 2002 Location: butler, pa
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Hogwarts RPG Name: christine malfoy Graduated |
Ron and Hermione were made godparents to Harry's twin daughters. Harry said, "I want you promise me that no harm come to my daughters. I want you two to tell them that their mother was wonderful person that i loved dearly. I need word on this okay both of you." Ron and Hermione reply in together, "We promise take of your daughters as own and we promise to tell them that their mother was a wonderful person, who taught you to love." Harry says, "I have to go on a mission to stop this Voldermort's follower that says he or she can bring Voldermort back to life I have to stop them. I need to stop them. I don't want my children hurt just because they babies. My wife has just died and I have to fight the again. I need help, but I don't you two coming along this time. I want you to take care of my children. Please raise them and send them to Hogwarts and tell them about me their famous father." Hermione starts crying and tears start to fall down lap. Hermione says tearfully, "Harry, you are being so honorable. I know you need to do this and I will take of daughters." Ron hugs Harry and starts to crying and says, "You, Harry are like a brother to me, we had are fair share of fights and feuds, but we got though it. You are my best friend and I will take of my nieces as if they were my daughters. I will love those little girls as my own. I will tell them about you, Harry and how famous you are and about their mother, Ginny, my only sister, which I miss so very much." As soon Ron said that he had started bursting into tears because he miss his sister so very much.
Harry says, "I have to leave to leave tonight. Don't tell anyone in your family, Ron espcially your mother. Tell Lupin that I am going to Godric's Hollow and have him meet there."
Harry leaves for Godric's Hollow by apparating and he leaves his babies in the care of Ron and Hermione in search of the Voldermort's old follower who could bring back.
Ron tells Lupin by floo power that Harry wants him to meet Harry at Godric's Hollow. Lupin says, "Ron, I will get there as fast I can. I heard that there is trouble brewing and someone is stirring the Dark Arts again to get Voldermort back. That would be terrible the last time was only five years to six years ago when Wormtail had that rebirthing party for Voldermort and Harry was the prime ingredient. Harry has to be on his guard and his needs to watch his back the servants of Voldermort don't forgive the person who took down their master. Ron look after Hermione and your family. I better get to Harry before he gets into trouble." Lupin's head disapears from the fireplace.
Mrs. Weasley askes Ron, "Where is Harry?" Ron replies, "I can't tell you, mum! i promised, Harry. I gave him my word to him."
************************************************** ******************************
A few hours later Lupin is by the side of Harry and askes Harry, "Harry, why do need me to help you on your quest to find out who is trying bring Voldermort back?" Harry replies, "I have to tell that been having dreams about my dead parents, Ginny, Sirius, and Dumbledore and I haven't had these dreams since I defeated Voldermort. I had hermione look up the meaning of the dream and she said, ' That how I losted all the people I have loved in my life.' When I was in work to I was ready to kill myself because I had enough of this pain and I am grieving for my wife. I have two beautiful little daughters named Lily and Danielle. I have put end the Dark Arts and to stop the person who wants to hurt my family and bring Voldermort as powerful as he was when had all the horcruxes. I need your help, Lupin because know about the Dark Arts and you taught me to fight off dementors in my 3rd year. I need your help because the person could be a werewolf or not. Will you help me, Lupin?" Lupin replies, "Yes, Harry, I will help you the best way I can. I am getting old. I am glad you called me you did. I know you miss Sirius, your parents, Dumbledore, and Ginny and their spirit's live inside you, Harry. Never forget that. Never forget how to love and that is how defeated Voldermort the 1st time. The power of love can conquer all, Harry. Trust me." Harry replies, "I believe you, Lupin, but we need to hide somewhere before can hex or curse the Death Eater. Got it?" lupin says, "right!"
So they hide behind a large oak tree over looking where Harry's parents were buried in the graveyard. They look around to make sure there wasn't anybody around to kill them. No one was there as they looked both aways.
Last edited by chrisd2000; 04-18-2006 at 10:39 PM.