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Old 02-11-2006, 03:44 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Dumbledore came back to them. "Ah, Amos. What brings you here?" he asked.

"I caught this girl getting my son out of his coffin, and then she announces he's not dead, Albus!" Amos cried, pointing a finger at Hermione.

"How is that possible for him to be alive when we all saw him, quite literally dead?" Hermione asked.

"Love, Miss Granger. An unconditional love not known by either you or Mr Diggory. Have you felt any love for him at all, Miss Granger?" he asked, looking at her throught his half moon spectacles.

Hermione nodded, blushing. "I tried to stop myself falling in love with him by dating Viktor. It didn't work ..." she trailed off.

"Because your heart is quite set on young Mr Diggory." he told her. He then turned to Amos. "What has Cedric been like?"

"Well, he never usd to pay attention to Cho, always looking at some other girl. I mean the pair said they loved each other but I doubt he really loved her. Like this young girl here, he could have been burying his true feelings." Amos said.

"Just what I thought." Dumbledore said thoughtfully. "Miss Granger have you spoken to your friends about your feelings?"

"No. Ron would go into a temper about it, and I don't know how to tell Harry. I get all nervous about it." Hermione admitted, looking into Cedric's grey eyes.

"Maybe you should tell Mr Potter, he might be able to help you." Dumbledore suggested.

Hermione nodded at went back to trying to get Cedric out of his coffin.

"Miss Granger put the boy down!" Madame Pomfrey scolded as she advanced towards them.

Hermione gently removed her hands away from Cedric. "I w-was just trying to help." she said.

"Is this true, that a mistaken death has occured? or are you playing tricks?" she asked as she clucked and henned around Hermione and Cedric, surveying the 14 year old with beady eyes.

"It is true, Poppy. It is Miss Granger who found out when Mr Diggory pleaded to her through using mind control to speak to her." Dumbledore said. "It seems that an old magic has occured and only Miss Granger can hear what he is saying."
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