Cedric Diggory ... Not dead?! - Sa13+ My fic is set just after Cedric's burial ... Disclaimer: If I owed the characters of Harry Potter, I'd have to be J.K Rowling and very rich. Since I'm neither of those ... I guess I don't own them. ************************************************** *************** Chapter 1: Magic he should Have Remembered “The other boy… you are sure the other boy is dead?”“Yes my Lord. I-I am mo-most certain of it,” “Yet, I felt something as if he were… alive.” The man said with great distain and hate. It was spoken in a slithered tone. Almost like a snake. “Only if his sole mate was alive. Re-remember m-my Lord? The true love…” “WORMTAIL! How could you forget? How could I forget? How…”“My Lord… please.”“No! He was another witness if he could hear! You must kill him. He will also be a where of my return. GO! But leave Potter to me. You must kill the other boy.” “It I-is an old form of magic, very few in re-recent years have been able to…” “Yes… but,” The evil man said. “True love still exists. NOW GO!” ************************************************** *************** Hermione watched over Cedric's grave, tears shining in her eyes. She had put off her feelings for the handsome Hufflepuff by dating Viktor Krum. This, of course, did not ease her feelings for Cedric. "Cedric. I tried, I really did ... I can't hide them forever ..." she whispered. ‘Help me! Help me someone! Please….’It sound like someone was pleading. Where was the voice coming from? “Help me! Please! Anybody! Please hear me! Someone…” It sounded like Cedric. But he was dead. Dead, lifeless and underground. “Cedric?” she asked. She found Dumbledore and walked up to him. “Um … Professor. I have something that I wish to tell you.” Hermione said “What is it, Miss Granger?” Dumbledore asked the young teen. “This may seem a little crazy and stupid. But Cedric Diggory is not dead. “I do not think it’s crazy at all Miss Granger. It could be possible that Mr Diggory is buried alive.” Dumbledore walked with Hermione back to Cedric’s grave. He performed a complicated spell to lift Cedric’s coffin from the ground. He opened it up, and indeed, Cedric was alive and breathing. Slowly. But he was breathing nonetheless. “Mr Diggory, can you hear me?” Dumbledore asked. Cedric tried to move and speak. But he couldn’t. He was paralyzed, blind and muted. “Hermione, I can only hear, I can’t speak, move or see!” Cedric was pleading to her. Looking into Cedric’s open, clouded-over grey eyes, she whispered to him “It’ll be alright, I promise.” “Miss Granger, wiat here with him, I’ll summon Madame Pomfrey.” Dumbledore said, and walked towards the castle. Amos Diggory saw Hermione and Cedric and walked to them. “Young lady, what on Earth are you doing with my son out of his grave, where he was laid to rest?” Amos demanded. “Um … Please sir. Cedric’s alive, though the only thing he can do is hear things right now …” Hermione explained, terrified at the sudden outburst of Cedric’s dad. Amos looked at Cedric. “And where’s Dumbledore?” he asked her. “He’s gone to get the matron.” She told him, attempting to haul Cedric’s body gently out of the coffin, but he was too heavy for her.
Last edited by evlpez; 03-25-2006 at 05:27 PM.