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Old 02-09-2006, 03:26 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default HPCHAMP101's EEFFD - Sa13+

Hey I always loved reading these so I figured I would try this out. Here is a dare from evlpez:

Neville had been walking around school the whole day trying to hide. From what exactly. Well a Ghost kept following him. And not just any ghost, dumbledores ghost. It had definitly been creeping Neville out.

"Quit playin' games with my heart
Before you tear us apart
Quit playin' games with my heart
I should've known from the start
You know you've gotta stop
You're tearin' us apart
Quit playin' games with my heart"

Neville stopped dead in his tracks. "OH MY GOD!" Neville yelled and ducked. "Uh Neville what are you doing?" Harry asked curiously. "Its them!" Ron gave him a quizzical look."Its uh...who?" Neville slowly stood up as the singing got louder. Duimbledore looked pleasently around looking for the source of the singing. "Music is great isn't it?" "Its....THEM..." Neville said again before hiding behind a statue out of the room of requirements.

All of the sudden Hermione ran up to them and said, "Professor Dumbledore come quickly, Headmistress McGonagall painted the whole castle thistle purple!" Dumbledore looked shocked. "WHAT? I specifically told her to paint it Indigo. Has she finished?" Hermione hung her head and nodded slowly.

"NOOOO!" Dumbledore yelled. "How could she screw it up so badly." Ron looked shocked, "Whats the difference between indigo and thistle purple?" Neville and Harry shrugged. Dumbledore's shoulders shook uncontrollably as he sat sobbing in the middle of the floor.

Hermione looked around as she heard the singing coming even closer. Neville started to shake as shadows formed against the wall. Suddenly Professor Slughorn appeared with Pansy clutching his arm. Together they were singing a collaboration of Backstreet boys songs. "Um, what exactly is going on?" Hermione asked.

Pansy stopped singing long enough to say, "Well Professor Slighorn poisoned himself and can't talk he can only sing!" Ron looked at her and said, "Than why are you singing?" Pansy turned toward him and said, "well it just looked like fun! Is that a problem?" Suddenly she whipped out a pipewrench and said, "don't make me use this!" She looked at what was in her hand and said, "Whoops," tossing it aside she pulled out a pipe and said, "AHA! don't make me use this!"

Hermione rolled her eyes and turned to look back at the sobbing Dumbledore. "My beautiful Indigo castle....ruined...ruined...."

Suddenly Pansy and Proffessor Slughorn broke out in song again:

"Now throw your hands up in the air
Wave them around like you just don't care
If you wanna party let me hear you yell
Cuz we got it goin' on again

Am I original?
Am I the only one?
Am I sexual?
Am I everything you need?
You better rock your body now

Rock your body
Rock your body right
Backstreet's back, alright

Hermione opened her mouth in a shocked 'OH' expression. Suddenly they heard a bludcurdling piercing scream and they turned and saw a first year wearing a red shirt fall over. Hermione ran towards him and when she felt his pulse and said, "HE'S DEAD! your horrific singing killed him!"

Suddenly winky and dobby came running up the stairs and dobby ran to harry and said, "HARRY make it stop, us house elfs will do anything. If you go into the room of requirements we will bring you room service and we will even have it delivered by a serving wench! ANYTHING TO MAKE THAT ATRICIOS singing STOP!"

Hermione stunned both Pansy and the Professor and dragged them into the room of requirements, with another wave of her wand she made the first year dissapear, and with a look at Dumbledore said, "Dumbledore lets get some tea and crumpets maybe things won't be so bad than." Dumbledore looked up at Hermione wiping his eyes. "Well ok," He said, "only if Neville goes too." Everyone turned to look at Neville as his face drained of color and he whispered, "Why me?"

Ok so that was my first try at this...what do you think?

this was the dare by the way:

evlpez's dare:
* McGonagall is Headmistress, and paints the whole castle thistle purple.
* Dumbledore's Ghost follows Neville around.
* Slughorn poisons himself, can't speak anymore but can only sing.
* A 'red shirt' first year must die a ridiculous death (red shirt = nameless, brave other character we've never seen before)
* You must make use of the following: a pipe, a pipewrench, a serving wench, room service, the room of requirement
Due: Feb. 13, 2006
Life is what you choose to make it
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