Hello! This is my portfolio where I post all my HP art; I might post some other art here too.
I don't really have a style or anything, I use a variety of mediums, but mostly pencil and erm...Photoshop, and I like experimenting with different techniques and mediums etc. I do colored pics, but most of my art are sketches because erm...I can't be bothered colouring them
So yeah, enjoy...
C&C is appreciated, thanks
Here are some really old ones:
Link: Lord Voldemort Comment: Lord Voldemort. I've been told he looks like a bird...lol, I knid of agree. I did this like a year ago!
Link: The horntail Comment: This is one of the first dragons I ever drew
Also done nearly a year ago.
Link: Dobby Comment: I felt like doodling, this was copied from the CoS DVD
*Please don’t take any of my art work and claim that you drew them or use them in any icons, sigs etc.
LAST UPDATED: 24th April 2004