Viva Buymoria! Love you Twin! Current Dares ----------------- evlpez's Dare
1. Teachers at Hogwarts add 'Veggie Tales' to the curriculum
2. It's Halloween. Dress some people up.
3. Filch casts a spell!
4. Madam Hooch falls in love.
5. Include the following: 'the brains of the outfit', a man with a dog, coffee, an observer, an itchy nose hex. Due date: November 7th starlightangel's dare:
-Neville must have an obsession with toes
-Harry must decide that he will save the world from Voldemort with...Underwear.
-Ron must fall in love with the Whomping Willow
-Ginny must say 'You know, you could always chop it off'
-Must all be based around a meal Due date: November 19 -----------------
Last edited by evlpez; 11-01-2006 at 04:00 PM.