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Hogwarts RPG Name: christine malfoy Graduated | What Happens After the Final Showdown - Sa9+
the story you are reading is about harry's live after the defeat of voldermort. i thought this up and this my idea and don't try stealing it. it is work progress. i am still adding details about the story so bear with me. the plot of this story belongs to me: chrisd2000. i hope you like want i wrote so far. i don't know any thing that is harry potter: jk rowling does.
please comment!
enjoy! what happens after the final showdown
by: Christine Davis aka chrisd2000
When Harry Potter lives though the Final Showdown he marries Ginny Weasley after she completes hogwarts. Two years later they have twin daughters and she dies giving birth to them. Harry is all alone to raise two newborn twin daughters. He looks for Ron and the rest of Weasley family that survived the final showdown. He goes to the Burrow with his daughters and apparates with the babies because he can't hold onto his broom and the babies at the same time. He gets there around 12 midnight and Mrs. Weasley is waiting for Harry and her two new grand-babies. She is sorry that Harry had just lost Ginny. She hugs Harry as she starts to cry. He asks her, "Can you put the babies in the house and find out if Hermione and Ron are here?" She replies, "Yes, they are both here. They are asking for you, Harry."
Harry goes into the Burrow and he sees Ron and Hermione. They ask him, "Harry, how are feeling since ginny died and how the babies?" Harry replies, "I am not very good! Not much sleep! Ginny had just died as she gave to the twin baby girls and theyare with me. I just apparated with them. I need some drink and food. I should go and check if my babies to see if they are all right."
harry gets food and falls sleep fire place and mrs. weasley wakes him to tell him that the one of the babies needs something to eat. so he magics up two baby bottles and two diapers.
Harry has to name his twin daugthers the oldest one name is Lily Weasley-Potter and the other daughter name is going to be Danielle Weasley-Potter.
Fred and George are at the burrow too when Harry arrivves and they have expanded their shop in North America and they dropped in to see their to new neices. Bill and Fleur are there and their two children, one boy and girl. The girl is part veela. Mr. weasley is fussing over the new babies and he trips over Hermione's cat, Crookshanks. So Mrs. Weasley has to go and take care of him. Now Harry has to care of two screaming babies.
Ron and Hermione are in enagaged to be married, but all that happened since Ginny died they had to postpone the marriage. They want to tell Harry about the engagment for a long time since Harry got married to Ginny. ron was Harry's best at Harry's wedding and Hermione was Ginny's maid of honor.
Ron and Hermione go and sit down with Harry at the kitchen table and tell him the news, "Harry, we will be getting married and we love each other so very much. I hope you can give us our blessing. Will you, Harry?" Harry replies as tears well up in his eyes, "I just lost Ginny and you two want me to give my blessing on your marriage. I have enough troubles of my own to deal with. Let me grieve before i decide on giving my blessing ok."
Harry goes off to bed. Then he dreams about Ginny, his parents, Sirius, and Dumbledore and the dream he grabs for them but can't reach for them and he tries and tries hard to reach to for harder to further them float from him. He dozes fittfully and Hermione sees him and wakes him up. Hermione asks him, "Whats wrong, Harry?" Harry sleepily replies, "I just dreamed abouted my parents, Sirius, Dumbledore, and Ginny and everytime I tried to reach for them and try to talk to them they would move further and further away from me until you woke me up, Hermione. I don't what that means. I had dreams like these since Voldermort was defeated three years ago. Can you look up in a book to see means Hermione? Why i am seeing the dead in my dreams."
Hermione rushes to look for a book for clue about Harry's strange dream. Ron comes in the beddroom with Harry's daugther Lily and Mrs. Weasley brings in Danielle to Harry and to check on Harry. The babies needed to be feed. Harry feeds his daughters with bottles of milk that he copnjured with his wand. Hermione looks at every book in the Weasley house household and every one she owns to find out why Harry had that dream.
Mrs. Weasley goes out of Harry's room and goes into the kitchen to make breakfast and she makes eggs, bacon, toast, and ham. she made coffee and tea for breakfast. She calls everyone to breakfast. Bill, Fleur, their two kids, Fred and George, Ron and Hermione, Harry, and Mr.weasley to the table. They eat the food that is placed in front of them . Bill and Fleur have to leave for work leaving their two there to go to Gringott's bank. Fred and George had apparate to their store in the North America to see if it needed more supplies. Mr. Weasley had retired and still like to play with muggle things.
Harry and Ginny were going to be aurors together, but that failed. He still wanted to be one, but he had take care his daughters first then he could be one. Harry has to protect his family from the Death Eaters that still lurked after Voldermort's downfall. They could make raise Voldermort raise again and harry didn't want that to happen. So he was auror and a father.
He talked to Ron and Hermione after breakfast, "Alright, I give my blessing about the marriage and did you find anything about the weird dream I had last night, Hermione?" Hermione looks at Harry with a stern face and replies, "Yes, I did! You have been dreaming about the dead is not very good sign in the wizarding world or muggle either. It means you want them to come back in your life because you lost each one at certain time in your life your parents at age 1, Sirius at age 15, Dumbledore at age 16 and Ginny at age 20 and you have lost all the love in your life and you need love your life. You have had tragic losses in your life, Harry."
Harry leaves for work as Auror, his dream job, before he does he has checks on Danielle and Lily. Lily was named after Harry's mother Lily. He tells Mrs. Weasley to send word by Hedwig if either of the girls become very cranky and have he will apparate on the spot. He apparates because he didn't take his firebolt with him.
Last edited by chrisd2000; 08-04-2006 at 07:56 PM.