Devoted to Tom Padfoot's Psychiatrist Fancy walked excitedly into the Potions classroom. She was always glad to come to this class. But, when she looked up at the blackboard to see what potion they would be working on that day, she noticed that there weren't potion ingredients or instructions, but 10 questions for the Potions Mid-Term. Fancy groaned a little as she took her seat near the front of the class. Pulling out her parchment, quill, and ink, she tried to calm herself down. After all, this was her best subject and she had done well in everything so far. If she just took the exam slowly, she would do fine. She glanced up the questions written up on the board for them to answer and started to smile. They were simple! And no essays either! Fancy began scribbling her answers one by one down on her parchment, pausing every once in awhile to think an answer over before she wrote it down. After 30 minutes of almost constant writing, Fancy was done with her midterm. Unsure of what to do, Fancy rolled up her parchment and looked up at the professor for instructions. |