Originally Posted by OtterySt.Catchpole
Nothing much happened you said Ali...*is wary* or did it? I don't know those second years, just approaching Harry seemed a bit...odd...especially after that comment about Thorn possibly being under the Imperius...
Possibly something of that sort. What if its not a spell but something else?
Originally Posted by hippie
I love it! Can't wait to find out what's up with Alex. Post more soon.
the info about whats with Alex will be out by halloween (next few posts)
Originally Posted by lottie
YES... I love it. It was the best papi. I'm so happy... wait exhilarated that you brought the DA back. I mean, I loved it. It was the best part of the 5th book. Well, not the best... but a highlight.
The DA will be in teh spotlight in a few posts, someones life depends on them...Or does it?
Originally Posted by Roshni
heyy koool post. it's great tht they are recruitin. PAMSS
P.S. - were u in china??
Nope, they circus were on tour and I was lucky enough to go watch them.
Thanks everyone! The next chapter will have some action, and as i have mentioned, possibly some deaths . Im not sure when i will be posting but it should be soon, im just letting a friend from school catch up to a certain point.