Thread: Lala's HP Sa9+
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Old 01-14-2006, 02:58 PM   #11 (permalink)
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here's the edited poem in complete....

Two teams, fourteen players; none is the least
Game begins when the quaffle is released

Chaser's job: get the quaffle through the hoops
Keeper, guards. He's sharp wherever he looks

In every match, there's always the bludgers
Beaters steer them like they're the managers

The golden ball is what the seeker seeks
The most awaited part: catching the snitch

"You catch it Potter, and we win", Wood said
I could end up, in a hospital bed

Then so be it if it means victory
It will give me a happy memory

Nothing is ordinary in quidditch
Its gripping for every wizard and witch


hope you like it, thats it all... next stop, the Sorcerer's Stone...
it'll be posted on Wednesday


Last edited by lala_favehp; 01-15-2006 at 04:38 PM.
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