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Old 01-14-2006, 03:50 AM   #59 (permalink)

Forest Troll
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At the loony bin ❣ Ubiquitous ❣ Brain!nvader ❣ !Wake The Dead¡

Julie was awaken from her daydream by the heat that was emerging from the cauldron onto her face, remembring that she had to work on potion brewing she looked at the board and saw the next set of instructions.
She tied her long her up in a pony tail, the last thing she wanted was her hair in the potion. Then began preparing 0.5 g of ground black pepper, 5 g of ground dry sneezewort, 5 sneezewort blossoms, and 5 chicken feathers.
As she finished preparing the remaining ingredients, her cauldron came to boil, she add ground black pepper and ground sneezewort, and started stirring 25 times counter-clockwise, she concentrated hard to make sure its 25 times after what happened last time. Once she finished stirring she left the cauldron to boil for 5 minutes.

Mermaids, Zombies,...Blackbeard.
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