Chapter 5 Ron stayed close to the very injured Harry as the battle raged on. Around him wands were waving. Muggles discharging their weapons. Giants wrestled Trolls as freed house elves fought those under command of the dark lord. Amidst the chaos Ron heard him name being called from above.
"RON!!" yelled two voices in unison. Ron looked up and two his surprise and relief saw his brother Fred and George flying toward them. George had a muggle riding with him on his broom.
"We knew it was you!" said Fred with a Boisterous laugh.
"How!" Ron asked angrily.
"Well, we saw the flare and it was crooked so we assumed it was you." George said also laughing. The muggle who rode with George quickly leaped of the broom and ran to aide Harry.
"Okay son this is going to hurt" said the muggle who was examining Harry’s wound. Harry screamed in agony as the muggle cleaned his wound. Quickly the muggle turned to Fred and George.
"I can patch him up right here but he needs to see a surgeon immediately!" the man said urgently.
Fred quickly picked Harry up and mounted him on his broom. "We’re going to bring him back to camp." said Fred. As the muggle mounted George’s broom, George turned his face to Ron. "You’d best follow us." he said. And soon they flew off.
Ron quickly mounted his broom and followed them yet after only lifting off the ground a spell had struck him tossing him many yards. As Ron laid disoriented on the ground the Death Eater who struck him slowly walked towards him with his wand at the ready. The Death eater smiled down at Ron pointing the wand close to Ron’s face. Ron, now in pain, looked up to see the Death Eater’s wand pointing directly between his eyes.
"Any last words?" said the Death Eater viciously.
Ron’ life flashed before his eyes and everything flashed before him. Hogwart’s. His family. Harry. And...
"Hermione.." Ron said softly.
As the Death Eater was about to strike he was caught of guard by an explosion behind him. At that moment Ron raised his wand and in agony yelled...
As the Death Eater fell Ron quickly ran. Ron looked around and was shocked to discover that he was separated from his broom.
The chaos of the battle only added to his confusion. He searched, dodging spells, bullets and even boulders which the trolls were catapulting. Soon he caught site of it. He Ran towards it, but before it was with reach he tripped and fell hard on to the ground. As he tried to erect himself he heard a voice behind him cry.
" WATCH OUT!!!!"
A man quickly ran in front of Ron. But before Ron could turn to see who it was... BANG BANG BANG...the man fell to his knees and flat on the ground. Ron pointed his wand and yelled "REDUCTO" the beam from his wand struck a muggle fighting for the dark lord who hid behind some rocks. Ron rushed to the side that was struck down lying face down beside Ron’s broom. Ron turned the man over and tears began to pour out of Ron’s eyes.
"Ensign?" Sobbed Ron, he held the man who he spoke to on the helicopter and wailed. Suddenly the man moved. Ron looked and saw the Ensign reach into his pockets and pulled out two letters.
"This one is for you kid... send this one to the address on it." said the Ensign. The officer was trying hard to stay conscious forcing his eyes open.
"Why did you do this!?" Ron cried as tears from his eyes landed on the Ensigns face. The officer turned his face and smiled at Ron and said. "So you won’t make the same mistake I did kid..." and with his last breath. "... tell her." the Ensign took a deep breath in... and his eyes closed... and stayed shut.
Ron quickly put the 2 notes into his pocket. Ron pulled the heavy body of the officer and with all the strength he could gather and mounted the body on his broom. He held the body firmly as he flew back to the base camp. He flew as fast as he could. The moon above him only showed how long he has been at battle. The voice of the Ensigns filled Ron’s head with the constant repetitions of his last words...
tell her... And finally he had arrived at the base camp.
Chapter 6 Ron’s arrival stirred a commotion at the base camp. People gathered to great him from a safe return from a long battle. Yet when people drew close they were greeted with a sad sight. Ron yet again using as much strength that he could removed the body of the ensign off his broom.. Quickly Hermione and Ginny quickly ran out of the Healers tent upon hearing of Ron’s return. Then ran towards a large group of people surrounding Ron. As they made their way toward the center the were meet with a sad sight. Ron was kneeling over the body of the Ensign and crying silently over it. Shortly a large group of muggles made it’s way toward the center of the mass of people and saw the sight. Everyone stood silent around Ron and the body. The Muggle soldiers all rendered and salute to their fallen officer and every one followed silently in their example.
Parvati made her way through to Ron and gently took him by the arm and escorted him to the healing tent. It was obvious that the event of the day had severely drained him. In the healing tent Parvati sat him in the bed next to Harry whom was fast asleep healing from his severely injured shoulder. A woman with very sad eyes walked over to Ron. It was Cho who was the healers apprentice at the camp. She walked over to Ron holding a tray of potions.
"Drink these... you’ll feel better." she said softly.
Ron took the tray and smiled and the young woman who only gave to him a attempt at a smile. As she was walking out Luna walked in. Luna smiled at Cho and they looked at each other not uttering a word and Cho left.
"She had a hard day. As did you two" she said smiling pointing at Harry who was Snoring incredibly loud. "You need to rest Ron" she walked over to Ron and took the tray of potions that Ron had finished taking and left the room. Quickly Ron reached into his pocket and pulled out the letter that the ensign had gave him and read it....
Dear Mr. Weasley,
Hey kid, I wrote this to you because I want to give you a bit of advice. I never told the woman I loved that I loved her. And I don’t want you to make the same mistake I did. Like you I kept my love a secret because I feared she would reject me... which I thought would hurt me more... but I was very wrong... with every battle I fight I realized that the next day may be my last which means it may be the last chance I have to tell her how I feel. So my advice to you kid is to ... "Don’t wait till tomorrow to say what your heart feels now"
please Ron... before it’s too late...
...tell her...
Jack Morrissey
Ron’s eyes filled with tears as he squeezed the letter in his hands. Suddenly a Hand softly touched his shoulder. He turned and see it was Cho sitting beside him holding a potion.
"This will help you sleep" she said. "You need to rest Ron" she handed Ron the potion and she continued to speak. "This war has taught me that something as simple as rest is precious... and every thing that is precious to you, must be kept as close and as dear as you can make it.." tears slowly rolled down her eyes as she was trying to utter out s few last words. ".. Because you never know when that precious and dear thing... will be lost". Ron took the potion but watched Cho sobbed beside him. He didn’t ask her what was wrong because he knew that this war was difficult for everyone.
"Did you help Harry" Ron asked politely.
"No." she said softly. "the muggle surgeons did... I was... busy. He’ll be fine in the morning but I won’t be here I’m going to the front they need healers on the field"
"Are you worried" Ron asked with his eyes barely open. It was obvious the potion was taking affect.
"A little, but they need healers. And my apprenticeship is almost over so this is my time to start healing people without assistance..." before she could finish, Ron’s eyes slowly started to close and he fell asleep. She was about to walk out of the tent but stopped shortly next to Harry’s bed she looked at him sleeping and more tears began to fall and slowly she walked out of the room.