Thread: Harry Potter: From Here To Eternity - Sa9+
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Old 01-06-2006, 10:52 PM   #2 (permalink)
Fire Slug
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Chapter 3

Soon Ron caught up with Harry. Together they were dodging bullets and spells from every direction. Missing them only by mere inches.
"UP AHEAD!" yelled Ron, pointing to a clearing were the Ministry’s base camp stood. Harry smiled. The base camp was within their grasp. He quickly turned to Ron but two his horror he saw two Dementors chasing Ron. Quickly Harry turned and flew toward Ron with his Wand out . He pointed his wand cried out with all his might.


The light of his patronus filled the grey smoke filled skies stunning the 2 dementors and even startling people fighting below them. Harry flew over to Ron who’s eyes were wide with shock from his encounter. "Thanks Harry" said Ron as they touched down to the ground of the campsite.

The campsite was a solemn place, injured wizards, muggles and creatures everywhere. They were in awe at the site. The war had truly gotten worse in only a matter of days.

"Ron! Harry!" yelled a young woman’s voice. The boys turned quickly and was greeted by Ginny who’s face was weathered and dirtied. To the boys horror, she was wearing an apron stained with blood, some red some green, but none the less blood. They ran to greet her, they were happy to see her well but they were still surprised at her condition.

"Ginny!" exclaimed Ron. "You’re a mess!"

Ginny smiled and gave him a firm hug. "Nice to see you too dear brother." she said with a giggle. The three laughed and suddenly Harry turned around to see Hermione also dirtied and wearing a blood stained apron. The boys ran to her and greeted her giving her both a firm hug.

"We’ve been assisting the field healers and the muggles surgeons.." said Hermione wiping the sweat from her face. And then continued. "Cho is the healers apprentice and Parvati is her assistant, they needed as much help as they can Luna is even assisting, they need a lot of help." as Hermione was telling them what has been happening, Parvati Ran out of a tent in a hysteric state.

"Where’s Ensign Morrissey!!" she cried. "The surgeons need assistance quick!" Quickly Hermione and Ginny turned to Ron and Harry.

"Where is he?" asked Hermione.

"He told us he’d meet us here" Said Harry "Why do u need Him?"

"Because I’m a surgical nurse"
Harry and Ron turned Around and saw the ensign behind them.

"Sir it looks bad, the surgeons need help" said Parvati who was panicking even more. And so the Ensign ran into the tent with out hesitation.

"What about Cho?" asked Ginny. But before Parvati could answer more and more injured arrived.

"We must go!" said Hermione in a hurry.

"Wait Hermione!! I need to talk to you." exclaimed Ron. But Ginny, Hermione and parvati ran quickly in to the healers tent. "But... I love you..." Ron uttered under his breath.

Harry and Ron watched as more and more injured were rushed into the tent.

"Harry I need to tell her." Said Ron with a shaky voice. "I need to tell her ..."

"That you love her... I know, I’ve always known"said Harry as he put his arm around Ron.

"Is it that Bloody obvious" exclaimed Ron angrily. Harry smiled and answered in a soft consoling voice. "Very my friend. You need to tell her Ron" Soon an Auror walked over to them and filled them in on what has been happening as the watch others get ready to set off for battle until suddenly....

"NO!!!!" Screamed a woman from the healers tent.

Everyone turned to see who had screamed. The boys felt chills down their spines upon hearing the cry. Soon Luna Lovewood ran out of the healers tent holding a woman who was crying hysterically. The crying woman’s face was hidden but her sobs were incredibly loud. Luna was trying her hardest to console the woman but to no avail. Soon, the ensign walked out wearing a blood stained apron toward Luna and the woman. He looked very serious. The crying woman buried her face into Luna’s shoulder as to not hear what the Ensign had to say. Everyone watched silently, more people crowded closer to the healers tent to see what ensign had to say. As the ensign stood over Luna and the crying woman he shook his head and said in the saddest way.

"I’m sorry..."

Everyone around the tent was quiet. All with sad faces, some with tears but no words were said. The muggles soldiers took off their helmets and head gear and placed the upon their chests. And still all was silent... except for the woman crying.

Chapter 4

Ron stared dumbfounded. "What if that was me?" He thought to himself. "What is the news the Ensign was telling the woman was about me... and the woman was Hermione..." Soon after Ginny and Hermione walked out of the tent utterly fatigued. Harry and Ron rushed over to them. Ginny ran into Harry’s arms and sobbed terribly.
"I didn’t know what to do, no one did their was too many people inside it was chaos Harry I was so confused. It was horrible Harry. Horrible!" cried Ginny. Harry held her tight and kissed her forehead. Ron turned to Hermione who was Holding back her tears.

"Who was it?" asked Harry

"I don’t know" said Hermione. "I was helping a house elf who had broke his leg and before I knew it every one ran into another room with a very injured wizard. Luna saw everything. The healers couldn’t do anything so the muggle surgeons tried to fix the wizard but... it was horrible Harry." Harry held Ginny tightly who was still in tears. Ron heart started to pound and the though of the poor woman crying.

"Hermione" said Ron softly. Hermione turned and saw the grim expression he had.

"What is it Ron what’s wrong?" she asked. Ron grabbed her hand and pulled her to the side.

"Hermione I need to tell you something..." Ron said in a low sad voice. "The war is getting worse and worse by the day and if I don’t make it..." Hermione’s eyes swelled with tears and suddenly interrupted Ron.

"Don’t talk like that Ron" she cried. Instantly she pulled him close and held him firmly as tears began to flow soon Ron started again. "Hermione I wish I’ve told you sooner but..."

"Ron!! Harry!!"yelled a voice interrupting Ron. Harry and Ron turned to the voice and saw a young man limping toward them holding a broken broom.

"Neville!!" Harry shouted. Ron and Harry rushed to his aide and suddenly Neville collapsed in harry’s arms. He was extremely fatigued from his journey from the war front. With every breath that he could use Neville spoke.

"Ron, Harry...Voldemort is sending another wave... we need reinforcements..." exhausted Neville passed out. Hermione and Ginny rushed Neville to the Healers tent. Harry and Ron went to inform the Auror’s to readied their troops.

"Inform Ensign Morrissey we are needed at the front. Tell him to ready his men!" ordered Harry to a House elf. The elf ran and disappeared in a pop to relay Harry’s message . Instantly Ron and Harry mounted their brooms and set off to the war front.

Closer and closer they flew. The sounds of explosions filled the air. Gunfire and Spells flew at them from the ground. Hippogruff’s fought Dragon’s in mid air as Dementor flew around them. Closer and closer they flew. As they drew nearer Muggle soldiers dropped out of their airship onto the battleground. Harry and Ron descended into the heart of the battle.

"Stay close Ron" said Harry dodging a Fireball.

"Well I wasn’t planning on leaving ." Said Ron in a sarcastic tone.

And so the started casting spells in every direction, dodging attacks from the enemy. A troll spotted Harry and ran to him and they fought furiously. Ron moved aside to let them fight and suddenly Ron felt a chill go down his back. Slowly he turned and to his horror he saw a cave troll rushing toward him. He froze in horror as he saw the troll lift his giant axe ready to strike him down. Instantly his mind went blank, and flashed before his eyes was Hermione’s face. "Hermione" he whispered to himself. He squeezed his wand with rage. As the troll strolled closer, Ron raise his wand and stared angrily in to the trolls eyes and in a painful roar Ron yelled...


A beam from his wand struck the troll between the eyes and down the troll fell... only 3 feet in front of Ron. Harry who had just only defeated his troll looked beside him to see if and Ron was safe, and in amazement... He saw Ron smiling... with his foot on top of a giant troll.

"What took you so long?" Ron asked Harry who had a surprised look in his face.

Together they fought. Harry had never seen Ron fight as bravely and as strongly as he did today. Smoke and fire filled the skies. Sparks from wands whizzed past their heads as they fought further into the heart of the battle. Muggles on the side of the dark lord fought fiercely as did the ones fighting against him. As the battle raged on the boys were separated by and explosion. Harry fought Death Eater after Death Eater. Ron fought Dark Creature after Dark Creature. The battle grew longer and Ron set off to look for Harry in the mist of all the chaos. Ron searched over the battlefield stunning any minion who dare cross him.

"HARRY!!!!" Ron cried in utter horror. As he looked down he saw Harry Crawling on the ground with a bleeding shoulder. Ron flew down as fast as he could to Harry’s side. Harry caught sight of Ron and called for him. Ron rushed to his aide and held Harry close, embracing him firmly.

"It’s hurt’s Ron, terribly. I can’t move it!" cried Harry in immense pain as he held his shoulder. Ron raise hi wand in the air and instantly a flare shot into the sky.

Last edited by jujuvoodoo; 01-11-2006 at 02:28 AM.
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