Thread: Harry Potter: From Here To Eternity - Sa9+
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Old 01-06-2006, 05:55 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default From Here To Eternity - Sa9+

Author's Note: This is the Prequel for "Forever and a Day" found here it ties very closely to "Forever and a day" but takes place 7 years earlier. it is a Hardcore RON/HERMIONE story This is an epic Love story taking place during the war against the dark is a romantic /war story and I hope u like it and after this be sure to read the sequel "Forever and a day". I wrote it in entirety so here it is be sure to read "forever and a day" afterwards.

"From Here To Eternity"

By: JuJuVoodoo (jufred)

Chapter 1

When one thinks of the casualties of war, they only consider the poor soul that was lost. Yet the sad reality is, the worst casualty is the heart that was broken from the loss. Mothers and fathers losing their children. Siblings losing siblings. Friends, lovers, colleagues all can suffer from a single loss. So sadly the greatest casualty...are the broken hearts. It was the 3rd year of the war against the dark Lord, the loss and severity of the war grew to epic proportions. In desperation, the wizarding world sought out the most unlikely of allies... the muggles. The best muggle warriors were chosen and sworn to utter secrecy. They left their lives, homes and loved ones to what they were told was a secret mission with the likelihood of never returning. The ministry thought this as an advantage in their fight against the Dark Lord. However, the Dark Lord knew of their plan and recruited muggles as well. Making this war unlike any other.

"The Muggles are coming!" cried Ron as he ran into a tent. Harry battered from his last battle rose and greeted Ron and went out his tent to great the arriving warriors. Outside the troops were gazing at the skies staring at muggle airship dropping many muggle warriors.

"They fall like leaves." Ron said curiously staring at the paratroopers. Harry felt a chill run down his spine, he knew that the Ministry only sent Muggle reinforcements when the battles got worse.

"They were sent from America, they fought in the front with Fred and George's units, where Hermione and Ginny are." Ron said in one gasping breath.

"Mr Potter, I presume?" Said a boisterous voice. Harry and Ron turned to greet a man who landed only feet from where they stood who was saluting Harry. Harry nodded and watched other muggles form lines behind the strange uniformed man. They were heavily armed some with their faces painted .

"They look like monsters," squealed Ron. Then the soldier whom asked for Harry walked up to them and continued.

"I am Ensign Jack Morrissey, a Medical Officer with the United States Navy I bring word from Ministry headquarters from the front. Your men are badly needed at Azkaban. I am ordered to assign 6 men to every Auror, and 10 to 6 wizard and witch. I have brought 150 Marines, 90 Army Rangers and 6 Navy SEALS, of which I am in command. You must rally your units son."

Harry’s eyes looked around as the muggles started introducing them selves to the aurors and the units. Ron beside him quickly turned to the Ensign.

"Any word from Hermione Granger?" Ron said in a panic. "...or of my sister Ginevra Weasley?"

The Ensign paused and looked deeply into Ron’s eyes and replied "None, I’m sorry son, not that I know of." suddenly he put his hands and Ron’s shoulder and said in a firm tone "Rally the aurors and form your troops we leave in 4 hours. You two will accompany me in the helicoptor with the SEALS."

Quickly Ron and Harry ran through the campsite gathering every able bodied warrior, Aurors who served as officers readied their troops. Wizards and witches mounted their broom with their wands at the ready. Muggles readied their weapons and held them closely while around them, tiny house elves readied their slingshots while centaurs readied their bow and arrows.

Three hours had passed and the muggle Officers gave the signal to get ready to depart. Harry and Ron boarded a helicopter with their brooms and wands in hand, closely followed by Ensign Morrissey. Quickly the Auror’s gave signal and instantly hundreds of people on brooms filled the air. Those who didn’t fly ran on foot in a march that would last 3 hours. Other muggle airships filled the air and soon, they were on their way.

Chapter 2

In the helicopter, Harry and Ron sat closely beside the Ensign and next to him, 6 heavily armed and mean looking muggles.

"Mr. Potter!" said a soldier whose face was painted black. Harry gulped and he saw the man of enormous stature. And the man continued. "I want to go over our attack plan with you; please come here." Harry nodded and went over to the man and went into deep conversation. Ron sat nervously holding his broom closely and staring blankly at the ground. He and Harry have fought bravely in many battles but Ron seemed to have something burning his thoughts. Deeper and deeper he thought to himself before he was interrupted.

"How long have you loved her?" asked Ensign Morrissey with a crooked smile. Ron looked perplexed upon hearing what the man said.

"What?" Ron said in a startled tone.

"Mrs. Granger," said the Ensign. "When you asked about her it was obvious that you loved her, I read it in your eyes. I read them like a book."

Ron blushed and looked hard upon the ground sighing and answered the man. "Honestly..." he then paused to quickly think but then started again. "... I don’t know, well I do know , but I’m not sure, I mean... she’ll never love me back.. But to be quite honest, after every battle I think of her more and I want to tell her but I never do." Ron stopped suddenly when he noticed the Ensign had a tears running down his cheek.

" I was in love once," said the Ensign in a soft voice "She was my best friend we went to school together, then I joined the Navy, she wrote me when I was in training and I started to fall for her. Then one year I was sent to war and I wrote her every chance I could. More and more I thought of her. With every close encounter I had to death the site of her face flashed before mine. My feeling for her grew insatiable. I missed her every moment. I had realized I had loved her for more than seven years but never told her." Ron stared as the man told his story and the pain in his eyes upon telling it.

"What happened when you returned from the war?" Asked Ron leaning closer to the man in anticipation. The Ensign smiled and calmly answered. "After a year I returned home but received a message from my Admiral. He assigned my unit to go on a special assignment. A very high risk mission I may add."

"And then?" Ron asked, even more eager to hear the man's story. The Ensign smiled and answered in a humorous tone. "I was sent to a magical place fighting in a war I could never imagine fighting in and 9 months later sitting in a helicopter talking to a young wizard about love."

Ron blushed and the both laughed but suddenly Ron’s expression went blank and he asked in the most worried tone, "But what about your love?" Ensign smiled but before he could answer the man with the painted face yelled.


Quickly the Ensign stood up yelled "ONLINE". Instantly the helicopter door flew open and the other soldiers stood up. Harry quickly went over to Ron with his broom and wand ready.

"Ron! We have to go down ahead of them." Harry said quickly. "And we must be quick. Dementors and Dragons fill the air and Muggle weapons can..."


The helicopter shook violently and sounds of alarm filled the helicopter. The soldiers readied their weapons. The boys looked nervously out the door. Below them was utter chaos, wizards fighting wizards, muggle fighting muggle. They had reached the war front.

"Quick boys!" ordered the Ensign. The boys mounted their brooms with their wands at the ready. Harry leaped out first instantly dodging spells and bullets which flew right passed him. As Ron was about to leap out the Ensign quickly grabbed his shoulder.

"Tell her!" he said loudly.

Ron nodded at him and said "I’ll..."

"Quick boy you haven’t much time," said the Ensign, interrupting Ron. And with no haste Ron leaped out the helicopter into the war torn skies.


Last edited by jujuvoodoo; 01-11-2006 at 02:22 AM.
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