Thread: Harry Potter: Forever And a Day - Sa9+
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Old 01-03-2006, 12:57 PM   #2 (permalink)
Fire Slug
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: CA!!!! where happy cows live
Posts: 144

Chapter 4

"Attention er’body" said a deep monstrous voice with a heavy accent. "Welcome back ta Hogwart’s" the speaker said. An to the surprise of many of the attendant the speaker was none other than..

"Hagrid!!" yelled many voices in unison from the Gryffindor in excitement.

"Thank ye, thank ye" said Hagrid as he bowed to the audience. Many people there were surprise to see how well he had aged. He still looked the same with exception of his beard being twice as long and very, very grey.

" I would like to take this opportunity to give a moment a silence fer er’body who can’t be here ta-nite, and fer all those Veteran’s who fought with us against the dark lord and for those who feel by the hands of him and his minions. We dedicate ta-nite to er’body on the memorial and thank them fer letting us be here ta-nite"

As Hagrid continued, the great halls lights dimmed in a solemn fashion and tears began to fall from many of the attendants eyes. Ron and Hermione held each other close while sobs were heard from different areas around the room. But soon the the feast began and tears faded the lights lit brightly as food and drinks magically appear on top of every table. And soon the mood went from being sad to utter joy and excitement.

As everybody feasted Speakers from different houses gave speeches about the times they spent at Hogwart’s, the memories they had at the school before the war and after. All the speakers gave wonderful speeches, yet none that compared to the caliber of the speech that Harry Potter gave. As he spoke tears fell and the audience was incredibly silent in order to hear every word. During the speech the young woman felt chills along her back and in her coat she clenched the Coin that she had kept all these years. Memories of her time at Hogwart’s rushed her mind as Harry spoke. As Harry concluded his speech the hall roared with applause as every table gave him a standing novation as he limped back to his seat the young woman’s eyes followed his every step. As Harry went to his seat Ginny gave him a monstrous hug and kiss on the cheek. The young woman felt a surge of fear upon seeing this as everyone sat down two ladies sitting two seats away from her were gossiping.

"I heard they got married" said one woman to another while pointing to Ginny. The two started whispering in an obvious manner which made more people want to know more.

Upon hearing this, the young woman closed her eyes in utter pain as if she was being tortured . She can feel her heart beating in agony and breaking more than it already had been. Without her noticing the next speaker was approaching the stage. Then the speaker started.

"I would like to take this opportunity to give appreciation to all the quidditch player through out the ages." the speaker said proudly. "I would like to have all the former quidditch players to arise so we may take this time to honor you as our finest athletes. Be you a Seeker, or Bludger or whomever...Stand! "

The woman upon hearing this became more frightened she didn’t want to be noticed and especially not by Harry . Beside her, her friends told her to stand because, they all knew she use to be on their house team. She refused. She watched as every former house members started to rise. Ron and his sister Ginny and their Twin Siblings George and Fred and even Harry Potter rose in Unison. The young woman still was refusing to get up but slowly and surely she rose. The the speaker started once more

"Let us give a round of applause for these fine athletes."

The roar of applause and whistling filled the air the young woman lost in the applause smiled and waved to the audience as did everyone else who was standing. She looked around to see the smiling faces until she felt a chill go down her spine. She quickly turned to her right and saw Harry looking directly at her and smiling. She quickly sat down as soon as the applause ceased and held back the tears she so long to let out.

Soon after, the hall filled with music and people left there seats and started to dance, those who did not dance walked from table to table greeting old friend, classmates and acquaintances. However, the young lady sat alone only speaking to those who stopped and recognized her and shortly conversed with her. A few rows beside her she watched a group of men sharing war stories and showing off battle scars. Some of which she recognized as being healed by her, which she thought was somewhat amusing. And so she smiled and sipped her spiced cider until she felt some one sit directly beside her.

"I remember you from quidditch and from the D.A. practices" said Ginny happily

The woman felt her heart sink and yet again holding back her tears, she knew she was speaking with the one whom is suppose to be married to Harry Potter. But she smiled back at Ginny as not to be rude.

"No hard feeling about you know who I hope? Is he well?" asked Ginny.

"no hard feelings what so ever, He is happy nothing more nor less." the woman answered calmly. "So how are you and Harry?" the young woman bit her tongue and realized what she had just asked, wishing she hadn’t jumped to that question so soon.

Ginny smiled and answered kindly. "Wonderful! He’s the best thing to have ever happen to me! I hope someday he’ll find the right woman to settle with. He’s terribly lonely. Which is why he travels on assignment so much he’s so difficult sometimes. He just won’t admit he’s lonely."

The woman’s jaw dropped in amazement. "But I thought you two were... I mean... I thought... you know, I mean...married?" the young woman stammered.

Ginny gave a boisterous laugh and answered. "Heavens No, I mean we gave it a try but, we’re to platonic he’s like another brother, I mean we love each other but surely not in that way."

The woman was lost for weird but before she could say another Luna had arrived.

"Excuse me madame but I believe you are needed in the hospital wing immediately" said Luna calmly to the young woman. The young woman looked surprise and turned to Ginny who looked severely worried as well. So the woman stood up and told Ginny that they will continue there conversation as soon as she returns. So the young woman and Luna walked towards the hospital wing.

"The schools healer left briefly to pick up more supplies and will be back shortly, she asked if I knew any healers on grounds and I told her I knew of you which is why we are here and which is why you are here now" said Luna in one big breath.

"Is it deathly serious?" asked the woman in a calm manner.

Luna grinned in suspicious way and said. "It is very serious when something that vital is broken and only you can mend it my dear. It bend and breaks so easily yet heals very slowly."

The woman was utterly perplexed but before she could ask more they had arrived at the hospital wing.

Chapter 5

As soon as they arrived to the hospital wing the woman rushed in to see who need help, to the young woman’s surprise the room was empty. The woman turned to Luna and before anything the door to the hospital wing slammed shut. The woman ran to the door but was unable to open it. The woman reached in to her coat and pulled out her wand. "Alohomora!!!!" cried the woman waving her wand. Yet the door would not budge. Luna had put a spell on the door and the door was able to be open. She walked over to a bed and sobbed and thought to herself "I knew I shouldn’t had come.." her thoughts continued she thought maybe people haven’t forgave her for what she had done, but soon she heard footsteps coming near.

"Where are they" cried a man’s voice in the most worried and frightened tone. She turned over to look and saw the hospital wing doors fly over. Harry was limping as fast as he could throught the door.

"Ron! Hermione are you..." but before he could utter another word the door behind him slammed shut he turned and to try and open the door but with no avail he reached into his coat and pulled out his wand...

"I tried, it didn’t work..." said the young woman. Harry then put his wand away and walk towards the woman who hid herself under the shadows.

"Luna said that Hermione was having her baby!!" exclaimed Harry.

"She said that a healer was needed immediately here so I came as well" said the young woman.

" I know your voice..." said Harry "Who are you?" he then asked.

"Please don’t come nearer Harry." she cried her voice shaking nervously. Harry already confused and frustrated agreed feeling that this was a cruel joke.

So he sat on the bed next to her but still unable to see the woman’s face.

"You know.." He started as to begin a conversation "I’ve been to this wing many times during my stay at this school. How long since?" He then asked

"12 long... lonely years" she said shyly.

"I’ve been gone 11 years" he replied politely. "not long enough I may add." as he said this he laid in the hospital bed to relax his weak leg. The woman looked over and smiled although her smile was hidden by the shadows only the illumination of the moonlight lit the room and the raindrops upon the windows scattered the light in ton odd patterns upon the dark floor.

"Might as well relax" he said in a happy tone. "Whoever’s pulling this prank is going to leave us here a while"

They both laughed but the woman started to ask shyly. "You said not long enough. May I ask why"

Harry then moved him self to a sitting positioned and explained. "All my life revolved around this place every morning and night I dreamt of being here forever and yet I’m back and I feel there was so much I could have done here if... well, you know, if all that stuff didn't happened" he sighed a sigh of relief and continued. "But now 11 years have past and I felt my years here weren’t long enough. I made wonderful friend whom I love dearly and who care for me somewhat" he said sarcastically due to the predicament they currently are in. They both laughed and he then continued "Romantically my life was a whirlwind here. I never realized how much I kind of needed it but I was too absorbed with ... well you know as well as anyone else the story."

"Yes I do..." the woman said as she sat on the edge of her bed with her back towards Harry.

"How bout you Mrs are you married?" he asked politely as not to offend her.

"No." she said quickly. "I too had a hectic love life" she added with a small laugh at the end. "Was there any regrets you had with any of your romantic encounters here?" she added in a worried tone.

"Well there was one" Harry said. " I don’t know if you know her... well everyone knew her but she must be as old as you, so maybe you know her.... but... well nevermind I don’t want to bore you" he said.

"No! Please continue." she added. "We’re going to be here a while so might as well make the most of it."

Harry smiled and continued. "Well it was my 3rd year, I met her, the most beautiful girl. From another house, I may add, but as the years went on she and I never worked out especially in my 4th and 5th year. my 4th year, if you remember the tri-wizard games then... well no need to go into detail but, I knew then it wouldn’t had been the right time to confess my feelings for her. And 5th year if you remember that difficult year, everything that could had been between us, was ruined by so many things. And everything after that year, as we all know, was complicated due to the war against the dark lord. I had so much to deal with as did she but being so young I never realized how much we truly needed one another. If you understand what I mean."

"No, I understand." said the young woman. "More than you can imagine"

Harry then continued. "After that I more or less blocked her out of my mind. During the war I didn’t think of her much but she was in the battle if I’m not mistaken, but we never had a chance to speak not even once."

"What are your feelings toward her now"asked the woman painfully.

"All in all..." Harry began. "...after all these years I thought I hated her, she could have never been happy with me nor I with her. But...." as soon as he said this the woman dropped something and it rolled back in Harry’s direction.

"What’s this?" he said. He slowly rose out of the bed to pick it up.

"Please no!" she cried in terror. But before she knew it harry was holding it up to his face.

"You were in my class?" Harry Exclaimed as he held the coin. "The date!!" he then yelled.

"Yes Harry." she said sadly as she toward him. " I put a spell on it so I always remembered you."

He forced himself of the bed to get to her but stumbled under the sharp pain from his injury. "Please don’t Harry!" she said as she rushed by his side. Their eyes met and tears swelled in the woman’s eyes.

"I’ve always loved you Harry" she said. "Even before Cedric" she then added. He turned away hiding the tears of confusion he was now starting to shed.

"AFTER ALL THIS TIME!!" he cried.

" i was young Harry!" she cried. "We both had so much to deal with!" she tried to explain. "I know you must hate me but please understand I knew you hated me and with all the rumors about you..."

"CURSE THOSE RUMORS" he cried out in anger. " I’ve lied to myself and to everyone I know and said that I cared for you not after you got with Michael. But I lied. Year after year Once the defeat of The dark lord was over I spent every lonely night wishing I had you and wishing I’ve told you that I loved you since the moment I saw you during our first match my 2nd year. But now I know I’ve waited in vain. You’ve hid your feelings for me just as long as I did for you and left me miserable! "

"But you said you would be happier without me!" she sobbed.

"I thought I did, but like you... I grew up." Harry said quietly. The moment grew silent. The rain grew heavier the only other sound that filled the air was the happy sounds of people cheering at the gala. Yet alone both of them sat in the shadows... silent

Last edited by jujuvoodoo; 01-03-2006 at 03:58 PM.
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