Thread: Harry Potter: Forever And a Day - Sa9+
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Old 01-03-2006, 09:36 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Forever And a Day - Sa9+

Author's Note this is my first romance fan fic it has a very surpising twist i wrote it in entirety all 7 chapters.i hope you all like it no matter what ship you follow the story take place 12 years after hogwarts. i am a fan of ernest hemmingway and it has a Post war-story/ sad romance feel to it. i actually wrote the prequal called "from here to eternity" found here so i hope u read both please comment and give me opinion.... hopefully good ones

"Forever And A Day"

By :JuJuVooDoo (jufred)


"What if?’ she thought while looking out the window. The rain upon the glass only complimented her melancholy thoughts. She was cuddling herself in her coat, while clenching something tightly in her hand. The sounds of people cheering in elation upon seeing each other after all these years echoed around the booths next door. Never has Hogwarts had an event such as this, a reunion of different classes. It has been 12 years since she has been at Hogwarts, yet in her eyes... not long enough. Lost in her thoughts she gazed out the window until she heard the compartment door open.

"Hello" said a soft kind voice "I couldn’t find an empty compartment and every compartment was full of people and I was wondering if I can sit here for the duration of the trip"

She smiled and nodded her head. As he strolled in both arms heaving heavy bags and before she could ask to help... CRASH... the poor individual fell flatly upon the ground. She couldn’t help to notice a ball fly out of his coat pocket. It was glowing.

"Is that a remberal" she asked kindly trying not to laugh as the man struggled to erect himself.

"Yes, I guess I probably forgot to tie my laces" said the young man as he stood up. "Neville Longbottom’s the name I graduated Hogwarts 11 years ago. I work as an herbologist for the Ministry. I’ve always fancied herbology at Hogwarts. And I thought to me-self I’m not a great wizard but I’m great with herbs and sometimes potions. I have a lot of friends in the Ministry who are wonderful wizards and witches, my friend Ron and his wife still fix up any mistakes I made and..."

"Ron Weasley?" she interrupted cooly.

"Why yes, we’ve been mate since Hogwart’s do you know him? His wife went to our school as well she was one of my mates too... I’m sorry for not asking earlier, but are you here for the reunion?" he said in one gaping breath.

She smiled and nodded at him and replied in a soft voice "12 years since..." Neville smiled and was about to continue what he was talking about until a red light glow from his pockets. She looked up at his perplexed expression. "What is it?" she asked with a small grin. He answered in a most embarrassed tone "Um... well... I forgot what I was talking about." an awkward silence filled the booth until both started to immensely laugh.. It was funny.

"Wait! I remember" he exclaimed. " I never asked your name Mrs." "It’s..." but before she could answer the train started to slow down and in excitement Neville yelled . "we're Finally here". Still gazing out the window the young woman waved her wand and arranged Neville’s belongings."Oh thank you Mrs umm" but before he can mutter another word she interrupted politely "May I walk with you or do you have a partner waiting in another compartment" he then replied "No I’m goin to meet’em inside the castle" he then said coolly " I would never let a lovely ladie like yourself walk unaccompanied." she smiled as they walk out the booth.

As the two walked off the train Neville called down a carriage for them. The Hogwarts carriages gave the two a feeling of remembrance of them returning to Hogwarts after a long summer. As Neville opened the carriage door he made way for the young woman. As the carriage moved along the young woman looked out the window still staring at the rain thinking deeply until her thoughts were interrupted by Neville.

"Are you married?" he asked politely. She shook her head softly and asked in return "Are you?"

He smiled and took out his wallet and showed her a picture of his wife and stated "Isn’t she lovely?" she smiled and softly said yes as he continued "she’s the chief writer for The Quibbler ya know, her father use to own it, aww my Luna how I love ya... she’s already at the castle she’s doing a report on the reunion and umm..." he stopped and notice that she staring at another picture he had in his wallet. "That's me at the end, there are the Weasley’s, the one holding Ron’s hand is his wife, there going to be at the reunion, thats Ron’s lil sister Ginny and the one with his arm around her is..."

"Harry Potter..." she said in mellow voice.

"Yeah that’s him, me and him are mates ya kno." he added boastfully "know’em?"

She nodded her head and asked him "Is he married?" and as he was about to answer the carriage stopped.... They have arrived at Hogwarts.

Chapter 2

As they stepped off the carriage their eyes glistened at the sight of the castle, as they walked they noticed many familiar faces and faces they have never seen before. The young woman’s eyes glowed, lost in the moment she didn’t notice something fall out of her pocket. Neville caught site of they object and tapped her on her shoulder.

"You’ve dropped something my dear." he said. As soon as she came to she quickly reached in to her pocket and whispered to herself "oh no!" before she could mutter another word Neville cried out.

"You’re a Veteran!!! An original I may add" he said excitedly. She looked at him in amazement as he closely examined the coin and added "I haven’t seen one of these since my 5th year, I knew I must had known you from some where. I was on the front line with Harry and Ron exciting yet dreadful times they was... where were you if I may ask."

"I was a healer on the field" she said softly. Yet again Neville interrupted her. "That’s odd... " he muttered curiously. " The coin still has a date on it, mine stopped showing the dates once Dumblebore’s Army was discovered.... February fourteenth..." before he could muttered another word the young woman grabbed the coin quickly out of his hand. Dumbfounded Neville was lost for words. The moment was silent until a voice from amongst the crowd called out.

"Neville my dear!!" said the voice. They watched as a skinny pair of hands was breaking ther way through the crowd towards them. The young woman quickly hid the coin back into her pocket . Instantly at the very same time Neville ran into the arms of the woman who made her way through the crowd. An odd looking woman I might add who held a wand behind her ears and a quill in one hand and a note book in the other

"Oh how I’ve missed you my dear" cried Neville. "This is my Lovely wife Luna, she works for the Quibbler ya know." He told the young woman.

The young woman smiled and Neville continued "Luna this is Mrs... Ummm"

"I know very well Who she is" Luna interrupted "How’s everything at St. Mungo’s Madame Healer?" she asked

The young woman smiled and nodded her head. Neville was yet again left dumbfounded but quickly turned to his wife and asked "Where’s Ron and Hermione?"

"In the Great Hall my dear" she answered. "Harry’s here as well.." she added softly while giving a deep stare to the young woman.

"Back from America!!" exclaimed Neville " This night is going to be splendid!" he then added.

"Go on ahead my love I need to talk to your friend here" she said as she kissed his forehead. "Oh, but fo be careful love Fred and George Weasley put a jinx on the..." but before she could finish her sentence Neville was jogging excitedly through the Great Hall door and before anything else ...CRACK... his pants where flipped inside out. The sound of laughter filled the air and the voices of Fred and George in unison "Neville WRONG BOTTOMS!!!!".
While the great hall was in an uproar luna strolled along with the young woman.
"How long since Madame Healer? Or shall I say Madame Director?" asked Luna softly raising one eyebrow.

"I’m still only the Head Healer at St Mungo’s, The promotion to Director from the ministry hasn’t came through yet..." the young woman answered sternly. ".. But it’s been 12 years since"

"I know all that my dear" Luna said cheerfully "I mean, How long since you’ve realized that you’ve loved Mr. Potter"

The young woman was left in awe and was speechless. Luna then continued. "Well none the less it took far too long... you should know that I know, that you know, that I know, that you know that you have been fooling yourself all these years... you’ve loved him far too long yet deny it... like he does."

But before the woman can say another word Luna walked away greeting other people as if the two weren’t having a conversation.

chapter 3

The woman slowly walked towards the great hall but paused near a big group of people. A newly constructed memorial was catching the attention of everyone who would pass by. Moving pictures of those who had fallen victim to the Dark Lord and his Minions covered this memorial. Not a eye was dry as every one passed the picture of Dumbledore centered in the highest honor. The young woman slowly looked at veterans and former friends who she had knew who had fallen at the hands of the dark lord, a moment later she notice a two pictures side by side, she passed and touched them softly both giving them equal remembrance, and for both... an equal amount of tears. she them whispered to herself "Why did I come? Why must they be placed side by side?".

"Is that you?" asked a voice from behind the young woman. She turned around and in excitement yelled. "Marietta!!" they firmly hugged each other and started to chat.

"I have heard that you were here, Rumor has it you head healer at St. Mungo’s and soon to be the Director of Healing Practitioners!!!!" said Marietta

The young woman smiled but her expression seemed as if the news wasn’t all that interesting. But the reality was that only the best healer can be the director for the ministry. But still the young woman smiled .

"Come the Gala will start soon, I will save you a seat with the others they will be elated to hear of your arrival!!!" said Marietta excitedly . Marietta trotted over to the door ahead of the young woman. The woman stood by the door hesitant to enter. She watched as more familiar faces passed by her some hugging her before they entered. Still she only watched as people entered the great hall.

"Who are you afraid to see?" asked a kind soft voice.

"My favorite mistake... I guess" said the young woman in a kind yet sad voice. " I guess I’m more afraid of memories than of the person. Or more so the memories he may have of me" Then slowly she turned to she whom she was speaking to and before her eyes, a pregnant woman, smiling at her.

"I thought it was you" said the pregnant woman

"Hermione Granger?" asked the young woman

"Weasley. Hermione Weasly" the pregnant woman replied. "I’m due next month, it’s going to be a girl!" the young woman congratulated Hermione and wished her well with her new family.

"Who ever your afraid of can’t prevent you from going inside" said Hermione " Come I’ll walk with you" arm in arm they walked into the great hall. The hall was filled with festivities hundreds of former students attended the event and at the table where Marietta was sitting a group young women screamed in excitement as Hermione dropped the young woman off at her table.

"I’m off to my table. I will see you around tonight won’t I?" asked Hermione.

The young woman smiled and said "But of course" they hugged and the young woman thanked Hermione for escorting her in. Hermione was soon walking over to her table where her husband was waiting.

"There you are Ron!" said Hermione in an irritated tone.

" I was worried sick love. Worried to death I was!" cried Ron as he pulled out the chair for Hermione. She kissed him on the forehead and all was well. Everyone was in awe at how amazing the great hall looked.

"It feels as if this was my first time seeing the hall" said a lovely young woman with red hair.

"I agree with Ginny, the hall looks utterly splendid!" said Neville happily. Holding Luna’s hand who was standing next to him

"Where’s Harry" Luna asked Ginny

"He’s looking at the memorial, he’ll be right in" Ginny answered

"Well I’m headed to my table now love" Luna said as she kissed Neville on the forehead. Neville turned towards Ron and Hermione "That’s the woman I arrived here with" he said pointing at the woman whom Hermione walked in with.

"Is that who I think it is" asked Ron

"Yes Dear."she answered. "...she’s the Head Healer at St Mungo’s"

"She was a healer During the war, that was the last time I saw her, it was, them death eaters were ruthless I can't imagine all she had to heal and seen" Ron stated. As he went on Neville interrupted.

"Harry!!" as Neville said Excitedly everyone in the hall turned and look at the entrance of the great hall. Harry Potter walked in limping slightly while holding a cane. His hair was still messy, but his face has matured with stubble around his chin. The hall roared with the monstrous sound of applause until He found his seat next to Ginny and beside Ron and Hermione.

"Harry what happened to your leg?" asked Neville curiously

Harry smiled and said "would you believe that in other countries Muggle’s and Squibs can jinx you by pushing a needle into a doll of your likeness..."

"Voodoo is what the Muggle’s call it" added Hermione

"Scary thing that voodoom is" Ron said in a frightened tone.

"Voodoo my dear, not voodoom" Said Hermione

"clever thing that voodoo thing is, I took a needle to the knee, still hurts but I’m fine, being an Auror for the International Defense Against the Dark Arts does have it’s draw backs. But I Love my job." Harry said with a enormous smile. And so the group continued telling stories of what they have been up to in Harry’s absence. Ron and Hermione argued about whether to name the baby Harriet or Lindora. Yet from a across the room amongst the cluttered sound of people reuniting after all these years. The woman whom Hermione escorted earlier sat staring in the direction of Harry avoiding any chance of making eye contact as people around her talk about old times. And soon after the Gala had started.

Last edited by jujuvoodoo; 01-09-2006 at 07:27 AM.
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