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Old 01-01-2006, 11:12 PM   #144 (permalink)

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Selene Diana Evans
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Default No not another Post!!!!
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen

Haha Fooled you!! Nope just reply's for now, I think my posting too much has scared off most of my readers.
I'm gonna call this the Ottery, Si and Princess Thea thread! But I love you Guys, Ottery and Si, for reading and keeping the encougaing comments up! It makes me feel so loved!

Ohh did you guys see my title?? How SUHWEET is that? Not to mention my coolest avvy! Vishnu Rocks I'm telling you!!

Oh and before I forget. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! YAY Hope you all had a great time !:bubbly: :bubbly: :bubbly: :bubbly: :choc: <~~~~~ That's for Otts!


Originally Posted by Otts
First of all I'd never complain about strechiness...and if it's because of a cute guy *yummy* then I'd complain even less...LOL I'm such a ho but really it's just Rupert for me *crosses fingers behind his back*
I know I love How cute that guy is!!! Evertime I come to my thread it's like *swoon*

Originally Posted by My Favorite Otter
Okay so PT that post was awesomeness...seriously, I love a good chase, but isn't it going to be unfair uhm 20 against two...LOL uhm just wondering. But I love a good chase scene Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay *Ottery and the girls all running to the rescue* I guess Jack can come too *pouts and tries to hide his jealousy*
I'm glad you liked it Otts, I had fun writing this section of the story. Well 20 to 2 20 to 1... Same diff lol Well Jack does have to be there cause he is part of the story, But we can say that you told him what to do! hehe

So anyways, post more when you can. I'll be here...oh and I got the name's of the thugs and everything from your story already so...Mwahahahahahahaha but you'll just have to wait.
Suhweet glad you got everthing from my story, although I did post the thugs names on your story. GRRR I hate waiting!

Originally Posted by Si!!
I take full responsibilty for Thea's postie AND the stretchyness of the thread. *loves on Josh Holloway*

ANYWAY...NICE UPDATE! They're getting closer and closer to finding her! This story is a bunch of twists and turns. It's what I look for in a fic. ^^


Haha you don't need to take full responsibility, I posted cause I love ya! and well the cute guy is okay too!! I'm glad you are liking this fic, just wait til everything gets explained. Yeah it's trippy lol.. I'll post more umm soon I think, maybe within the next few days Seriously I think I scared my readers off! Although since the next post is super short I might just post it now and wait for awhile Hmmm.. Idea!

Love ya!!

Princess Thea

Last edited by MunchyBubbles; 01-01-2006 at 11:18 PM.
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