Fallen Angel Blazing from the skies at a terrible speed, What had they done to deserve this? Bright as any shooting star, What could have made this happened?
As I watched the heavens come down to earth, All feeling of reality was gone. Where am I?
Every thought and feeling echoed, Is this real?
Standing before me there she was Were the droplets of sweat on my face from fear or excitement? I plainly fell to my needs and nearly kissed the ground How was she able to come here? Suddenly, fear ran cold within me. What had caused this to happen?
Her wings were blackened and ashing with smoke. Would she be able to understand me? I came up off of my knees to face her Can there be fear at a time like such? I stared into her eyes. How can they be so crystal blue? Fear ran through me again. Can a heart burst? My muscles clenched and tightened. Will I live to understand this day? She started to stare me in the eye. She noticed me? She smiled and opened her mouth. She can speak? I was gone at the moment she said it. Was there any doubt? I didn’t stand a chance.
Can you change fate?
She spoke those words and I ceased to be. How could this have happened? All feeling is lost. How could her wings have become so burnt and broken? It was all gone. Why is there such power in those words? There was darkness that day. How can it be? She said, “I don’t love you anymore.”
__________________ About Me My LJ *Thanks to hufflepuffpride.com and evy for pics |