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Old 12-30-2005, 06:28 PM   #58 (permalink)
Lily's Eyez
Tom's Blue eyes
Come over to the Dark Side
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: At the closest Tim Hortons, slurping on and Ice Cappicino enjoying life in Draco's arms.
Posts: 778

"Really? That's good. I just don't want to think about what my mum'll say. We've had a long line of ancestors in either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, and I broke it. I hope she doesn't send me a howler, gosh, that'd be terrible!" Chris said to Krista.
Jara felt terribly sorry for the girl She immagined how her mum would feel if she didn't get into Slytherin. But she knew she wasn't like her family as well. She was more like a Ravenclaw, or so she thought.

"It's okay," she said to Chris. "I could immagine what my mum would be like if I didn't get into Slytherin
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