Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee Last, but not least...
Remus Lupin seldom regretted being rehired by Dumbledore. He loved teaching, he enjoyed children, he didn't have to live out of trashcans anymore - there wre innumberable reasons why being a Hogwarts professor was the ideal profession. There were days, and this was one of them, in which Lupin wanted to send Dumbledore along to St. Mungo's or go forever into hiding on a deserted island populated by coconuts.
Today, Lupin had to play counselor to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, due to Dumbledore's current obsession with Muggle psychology. He wanted everyone to confront and embrace their fears about Voldemort. Unfortunately for Lupin, this meant that he was elected, being the only professor with sanity and patience, to hold these sessions.
Winky, serving as his secretary, nervously ushered Molly and Arthur in. Both were wearing robes and Molly grasped a navy umbrella nervously in her hands.
"Is is raining, Molly?" Remus asked pleasently, trying to put her at ease.
"What?" she suddenly noticed the umbrella. "No, this is our portkey to Hogwarts. Did you know you can't apparate on school grounds?"
"I had heard that," Remus said smoothly. "Now, let's just jump right in, shall we?" Why are we here?"
"Now, Remus dear, if your mum didn't explain this to you, I suggest you Floo her. It's hard enough explaining these things to our own children. Ron, in particular..."
"Molly!" Arthur interrupted. "Remus wants to know why we are meeting with him at Hogwarts today."
Remus was beginning to think this would be worse than his session with the Grangers, in which they had discussed proper flossing techniques.
"Why didn't you say so, dear? We're here because we got the letter you sent by owl. Surely you remember..."
"How would you say your marriage is being affected by Voldemort?" he said bluntly. Both looked startled at the use of the dreaded v-word.
"Oh, um... nothing is different," Molly said with confusion.
"Yes, we love each other very much."
Remus looked bored. "Clearly you are repressing yoru marital woes. Let's look at this ink splotches. Tell me what they look like to you."
"A half-knitted sweater."
"A flying Ford Anglia."
"A flying Ford Anglia crashing into a tree with our son and Harry inside, you mean!"
"Yes, exactly! You see it too!"
"Excellent. How do you feel, Molly?" Perhaps this would be even more interesting then the time Narcissa Malfoy tried to seduce him after he'd suggested Draco needed a replacement father figure.
"I don't know. Tired. A bit hungry. Do you have any of those little sandwiches?"
"No, I mean how do you feel about your family's safety?"
"Why? What have you heard, Remus?"
__________________ ★ Dawn ★ 
Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest |