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Old 12-28-2005, 06:48 PM   #35 (permalink)
Sir Mattio
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Washington, DC
Posts: 123

Mattio loves pets but did not bring one with him to school, so he was excited to find there is a hospital for magical creatures on the campus. He went there and talked to Proffessor Dainsie, who was in charge of the hosptial.
She said,
All the animals need a good exercise right now, just pick one out and spend some time with it, I'm sure plenty of the animals would love to get to know you.
So he looked around at the animals and saw one that looked like a ground hog only with bigger paws. He read the tag on the door and it said that this is a niffler, and that it likes to dig for treasure. Mattio figured he could benefit from this so he took the niffler out of its cage. It immediately started digging at an amazing rate; it seemed to be releasing its pent up energy. After about an hour, it had brought back 2 knuts, 3 sickles and a galleon to Mattio. Thanking the niffler, he put it back in its cage. Then, he decided to donate the money to the hospital, so he gave it to Proffessor Dainsie, and left.
Tar Heels Forever!
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