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Old 12-28-2005, 03:03 AM
Lissydove Lissydove is offline
Post Harry Potter and Disney To Team Up?

Media insider Jim Hill has posted on his website that the magic world of Hogwarts may soon be found in the magical world of Disney, as Warner Brothers may be close to finalizing a deal with the Disney Company to create a Harry Potter themed attraction.


I would appreciate it if you kept this anonymous. But I have a friend who works for the Warner Brother legal department, who actually sees the contracts. And they just sent me the following e-mail:

"You didn't hear it from me. But there may be a certain wizard visiting the mouse kingdom in the future."
Yes. After several years of protracted negotiations with author J. K. Rowling as well as Warner Bros. (During which the Walt Disney Company had to pay out an estimated $140 million in order to land the network broadcasting rights for both "Sorcerer's Stone" and "Chamber of Secrets"), it appears that the Mouse is just inches away from finally acquiring the rights to use the characters and settings from all seven of the "Harry Potter" books in a theme park setting.
The entire article may be read here.

At present, this news must be treated as a rumor, as it is not yet confimed by Warner Brothers and apparently it has cropped up before!

Thanks to HPANA for the tip!
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