i thought i was not gonna update nemore but oh well. here...i'll just do the ones every1 wants 2 c and then w/e.....
just so u kno if the boys ones r really lame and dumb and w/e its bcuz i am a GIRL and dont kno exactly how boys would react. newayz.............
i sit bolt upright in bed, looking around wildly to see what could've possibly made that horrible grinding sound. there is a similar sound (though MUCH quieter) coming from neville's four-poster. then i notice my own breathing. darn...i never realized when seamus bugs me about snoring that i seriously do i have a problem with it.
i tumble out of bed onto the floor. i've never been very good at waking up...but the weird thing is, something the same color as my hair flops down in front of my face. i absentmindedly brush it away and notice it is my hair! ah well, probly just dean's idea of a way to get back at me for putting fred and george's super-stick toothpaste on his pillow the other day. i stumble over to the bathroom door and go in.
there's definately something wrong with the way the stumble feels though. it's like i've shrunk or something! and why are my fingernails pink?! and, no doubt about it, i have something around my ankle. i'm n not so sure i want to know what it is, either....
as i enter the bathroom i glance in the mirror. why are my eyelashes like that?? and why is my face about 5 inches lower on the glass than it was yesterday? and WHY am i WEARING a TANK TOP that is LIGHT GREEN and PINK?!?!?
i poke my nose, and so does this bizarre girl-ish version of myself in the glass. i stick out my tongue. so does girl-ified me. i move in front of the full-view mirror. i stare for a moment, and then let out a scream. a high-pitched, girly scream.......
LAME!!! yay!!! more 2day!!! go LAMENESS!!!!!