ok.....I was gonna ditch this story, but i changed my mind. I'll keep this 1 until i deside otherwise. OK here's more 4 y'all.
The Weasley family exited their fireplace in their living room.
"Bella, sweetheart, you have chores, so get with it," Hermione said. Arebella scowled then walked to the closet where her parents kept the cleaning suppiles.
"I'll be glad when I can use magic," Bella said stacking cloths into her arms.
"Well, you can't so stop sulking," Ron said as he sat down on the couch.
"Ron! Get your butt off the couch! You are going to help me with Dana's packing!" Hermione exclaimed. Ron frowned at his wife then did as she was told. Dana giggled a little but then stopped at her father's glare. Dana walked to her room and pulled her trunk out from under her bed. She dumped all her things that she had gotten at Diagon Alley onto her bed. She took the heavy books and put them at the bottom. The she put in her cauldron and lighter book. She laid her clothes that she planned to where on top of all that. Finally she laid her wand on the top. All of this was done with the help of her mother.
"Well, that wasn't too hard," Ron said closing Dana's trunk.
"Of course it wasn't! You barely did a thing!" Hermione exclaimed with a little bit of annyance in her voice.
"Awwwww 'Mione! I'm sorry! Will you ever forgive me?" Ron asked with a pitiful face.
"How could I not?" Hermione asked. Ron smiled and kissed Hermione.
"Get a room! And not mine!" Dana said. Hermione left with Ron. Dana flopped on her bed and sighed.
I'm going to Hogwarts! she thought happily.
ok that's all 4 now!!!!!!!!! I'll post soon!!!!!!