Happy Holidays haha Lety! I remember what you said about you dad last year. *rolls* Does he still walk around the house singing? ... Geez this makes me feel old. I'll have a poem real soon everyone. I only need one more stanza and I'll be set for this last christmas poem. *runs out to finish it* EDIT: Okay I finished it! Happy Holidays Can be said in many ways. From Happy Hanukah to Merry Christmas. From Kwanzaa greetings to Ramadan traditions. Snowflakes fall from above. All faces, young and old feel love. They want to build forts and snowmen. They remember all the forts and snowmen they made. Families gather together for this season We all know for what reason, To share in the joy of roasting chestnuts. To see old friends and far away relatives. The food is placed on the table. There is no need for a label. Everyone takes more than one plate. Everyone loves the holidays. Enjoy everyone! I'll have to start from scratch for the next one. Hopefully it won't be as long though. - Angel
__________________ Luke <3 Angel Pupness loves Angel mooore.Katie Minnson- Third Year - Hufflepuff
Last edited by Angel8807; 12-14-2005 at 05:19 PM.
Reason: added poem