(ooc- I actually left the conclusion open on purpose so you could tell me if Nadia failed or not
) Something, a liquid, was running down her tongue. Nadia choked a bit on it, coughing several times. But she quite refused to wake up. Maybe she needed the rest. She surely looked like she could stay like that a bit longer as in that odd position she... snored (o_O).
Some time later and she rolled on the side a bit, sparing them any more audio and she dreamt she was fighing with some dragon when she realized she had lost her weapon. A huge chocolate bar. She knew, without it, she didn't stand a chance. It was dumb enough because the dragon was smaller than her and was really from a feria at Wicked Pocus. Now she had to hop in one leg for half an hour to win the next competition and have a time-turner fall into her head in the next task.
The dreamt kept on going as Nadia was in this quest for chocolate though a bubbling volcano and Marcy has dancing with a Hawaiian skirt nearby. People were seemly offering goods to a god in the opening of the volcano saying "I'm done" or "I've been sucessful" as some kind of prayer. Nadia remembered a volcano meant "an obstacle to be dealt with before it explodes" in Divination..