Professor Virohsa looked around. "Open your books to page 547. You will be making a very specific antidote. Failing to do so, may be fatal", she added. Quote:
1. Bring the cauldron to water boil
2. While waiting for the water to boil, cut all of the ingredients into fine lines
3. Once the water is at boil, add the earth-based ingredient threads
4. Swirl the water to the left for 2 minutes
5. Let it sit for 40 seconds
6. Add the water-element and the air-element while swirling the water to the left
7. Keep swirling until the water turns green
8. Then add the last ingredient (fire-based element)
9. Let the water sit until the green starts to turn blueish and has a transparency tint to it
10. Pour some of the liquid into a tube and label it carefully.
OOC- Nadia, I hope you remember you broke your second container in the Greenhouse a while back.
OOC- Everyone, you have 2 days.