Hiya guys Sorry it took so long with the reply's weddings can tire you out!! Allucha Quote:
is Caleb Black any relation to sirius?
No! hehe I didn't even think of that actually, it's just a name I made up of 2 people I know
hehe I wonder how my mission will go

I need to know more about this Noah guy... Looking forward to more!
Yes this Noah guy, Well don't worry you will find out more!! hehe
Otts! Quote:
LOL still the not used to girls crying, that was right on, and the petting on the head...what the heck are you supposed to do when girls get all blubbery? *Shrugging* so yeah, you got me there perfectly. LOL Oh, and Si and I scheeming, making the meeting in the dungeons...
Now that was brilliant. Glad you liked that part, I had it written differently but I changed it. I wrote it from what a girl would do not a guy. And any guy that's been around me when I'm crying that's what he does!! lol Quote:
*glaring at the angels* And all of the other angels conniving behind my and Si's and PT's back...that's just wrong. It's only okay if I do it. O_o But cool, too...LOL You girls is so bad. Back when I can PT.
Haha!! Well the chapter is called spy games..Gee. it wouldn't be a spyish book with out a little double crossing? Love ya Otts. Hope things get better. You will never get anything mean here! Love ya all Princess Thea