To my dearest Lottie...and friends... Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:Iā„Rupert Stupid? Why dear? Love's Evil was going to be a fic I was going to write...but I've decided the Ferret contest deserves all of my attention *cough* as does your fic, and Peppy's and Ali's and everyone else's*cough* you guys write your little hearts out, and they're some of the best fics here on SS IMHO. T: Otts should know, at one point he was reading all of them. *fires the cannons* O: Felt that way, anyways...  I'm totally honored to have you guys read my stuff, I love all y'all's stuff, and I seriously think you'd be more than up to the challenge Lottie. When I start a fic on FP I'd love you to join my soon as I figure what I want to write yo!  Because I forgot, Shannon thank you for Rupert. Best present I ever got. *glomping the Rupertness* FYI: I'm not leaving SS, I'm just taking a break from writing fanfic...gotta write my novels yo! T: How else is Ottery going to pay to go to the premiere of Ootp in London and get to meet Rupert. O:
Last edited by OtterySt.Catchpole; 11-08-2005 at 06:21 AM.