Look it's ME!!! hehe Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted for awhile! I've been busy!! Oh and just to let you know I won't be here next weekend. So don't think I went and died or something! hehe Now onto the replys!!! Lissy!!! Quote:
Whoa! Now that's a name!
Hehehe Yeah! Believe it or not that took me bout 30 seconds to come up with, I love all those names so i put them together! Quote:
And if we can't get Mel or Lupin, I want to go with Ottery! X infinity!
I can see Remus giving me an issue over this, it's in his nature to deny himself.
Great post Princess Thea!!!
Well Lissy, Remus might give you some trouble, but you know in the end it will be all good!! Love ya Lissy!! Shannon!! Quote:
Lol. Well, she is going to the Halloween ball with him, isn't she? Lol. I can go to the ball with RON?!  THANKS PT!! You're the best! Oh I can't wait for that scene...you're toooo sweet to let me go with Ron. THANK YOU!
Lol. You can write Ottery. You're doing a great job, PT! I love it! I love ya too. And you're very welcome...but you're special anyway...lol.
GREAT post sweetie! PAMS soon! Hope to see more of the Trio too! *glomps PT then Lissy then Si then Candy then OTTERY then PT again then Ottery again* Love you all!
Yes you may go to the ball with Ron!! hehe I can write Ottery? Well thanks! I don't think so but ehh.. I'm glad you do! Aww you are special too Shannon. *glomps Shannon.* Love ya!! <~~~~ that is my new fav smiley!!! Si! Quote: Ouch. Snippy me. Gotta love it. 
I'm sick right now so I'm snippy at everyone XD
Post more soon lovely!
I WILL get in a broom closet. Aww I'm sorry you are sick! I hate being sick! Broom closet, Deserted Corridor.. same diff!! Love you all!! Princess Thea |