X infinity and more
My dearest Ottery!

(another for good measure)
Great new post!

I'm suspicious of our David now, though.

Why did he tell you Red scarab, when we know it is the Blue one?

Is he
trying to mislead you? Did he miss what DD said? Was he thinking of vanilla too?
*smothers my Otter in a big hug and won't let go* Why are you crying? Who was mean?

Lissy gets out her boxing gloves and a huge can of you- know-what. Gggggrrrrrr.... I can tolerate meanies, they can say all they want to me, but mess with someone I love.... gggrrrrrrrrr Let me at them!
I've missed you lots and lots too!

I figured you had to go the other day, but I didn't know there were meanies...

But since then, I've been working

It's the weekend, after all. So I haven't been in much either. I read your Percy story and I thought it was brilliant!

I'm hoping for an Ottery win myself!
Loves you much!

Don't let the meanies get you down. Lissy will take care of them!