Very good Hermione_loves_Ron, 5 points for Ravenclaw. Vint Cerf and Robert Kahn created a protocol that enabled computers to transmit to another. Thus the beginning of the internet. The internet is a large means of information today. In 1990 Tim Berners-Lee created the world wide web. This simplified and popularized the internet and made it more readily available to the mass public of muggles. Surely this is the century to live in. Because of Flemming's discovery life expectancy rates have grown exponentially in the beginning of the century the average life expectancy was 59.3 years. Now in the 21st century the average life expectancy is 79.7 years. A 20 year increase means as people age they are healthier and when they are not we are better able to treat their illness. The technological advances make this world much more comfortable, electricity, entertainment and much more. Gone are the days of children occupying themselves in the barn, very few farms exist in urban areas now a days because of sprawling housing developments as the population grows.
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