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Old 10-23-2005, 10:31 AM   #98 (permalink)
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Professor Kotkin smiled at Snivs as she took the cup, "Let me see, here, this wiggly line, oh yes, I think it could be a snake. It does seem to have the head of a snake here. Oh, and look here dear, this appears to be a horn. The horn is a symbol of plenty, peace and magical strength. And here, lower down, do you see that? It's a horseshoe! Another good sign of fortune and protection. So if the snake represents a regeneration or the shedding of old responsibilities or burdens, it seems you will be shedding some old burdens, and gaining good fortune and protection, with added magical strength. It seems you are learning to enhance your magical prowess quite well at Hogwarts."
*beaming at her Professor, she quickly scribbled down everything she was told and couldn't help but feel a but proud*

"Thank you, Professor!"
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