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Old 10-22-2005, 07:43 PM   #74 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by gumdrop480
Kalaya stared into her cup trying to see something.
Its funny how muggles think this is nonsence and now here I am taking a class on it! Kalaya thought. She found something that looked like a rectangle near the edge.
She scribbled into her notes what she saw making sure to note it was laying on the short side in case it was important.

Kalaya studied her cup some more trying to find some other things. After much studying she saw a bunch of peaks on the side opposite of the handle. She suppressed a laugh, it reminded her of her best friend's brother's hair. But after some more studying she decided it was part of a crown. She scribbled this into her notes as well.

Continuing her search, Kalaya found a star in the very bottom. Hoping it was something good Kalaya wrote what she found in her notes. Counting the sides, she made sure she took note it had 5 sides. She also spotted a straight line near it. After she added it to her notes she looked up, she wasn't very good at interpreting tea leaves.
Professor Kotkin looked down at Kalaya's work. "The rectangle represents a rigid attitude on the part of others, though you can make progess if you meet their constraints. The crown means an elevation in status, finances, or a recognition of worth. The 5 pointed star shows magic or psychic development and with the sraight line showing a journey or enterprise. It looks like you will soon encounter a situation where you wish to accomplish something, but someone will make it hard on you to get there, though it will take time you will accomplish it and gain something in the form of magical or psychic skill or power."
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