Kitty Momma Rachel's Brain Twin
Ozzy stepped up to the roll of parchment, which was set neatly before him on the table. He took a deep breath and. "Evanesco!" He shouted non-verbaly, with a swish and flick of his wand. The roll of parchment reapeared on the opposite side of the room laying face up in the basket. Beaming to himself he repeated the process over and over untill he reached the textbook. He closed his eyes for a moment and focused all of his attention on the book so hard that the sounds of the room dimed for a moment as he raised his wand. "Evanesco!" He shouted non-verbaly once more. He smiled inwardly to himself as the book vanished from the table and reappeard in the basket. He summoned it back, and placed it on the table where it had been before.
Last edited by Ozzy; 10-20-2005 at 06:13 PM.