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Old 10-16-2005, 06:37 PM   #35 (permalink)
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Aw, thanks for the comments *Luffs comments*! Hope you like the update (Whoops, I didnt realize for some reason I had three lessons in a row, sorry about that.) .

Monday night’s explorations went interestingly enough, with Dan upsetting a suit of armor and cause Filtch to come looking for them. The rest of the week passed rather slowly, with none of the excitement of the first day. It was on Friday, a bit before potions, during their brake that things began to get interesting again. If interesting was the right word.

‘…tap…tap…’ Amy looked up from her Transfiguration essay to see a large black owl taping at the window.

“Brian!” Amy said, poking him with the tip of her quill.

“Hermes!” Brian said, rushing to the window. Hermes flew in and perched on the table, holding up his leg. Amy removed the thick envelope and handed it to Brian, who ripped it open. He started reading, went pale, and sat back down. Amy waited for a moment before speaking.

“Brian, what’s wrong?” She asked as Dan and Molly came up behind them lugging some books they had gotten from the library.

“Its mum and dad, they- They’ve decided to get divorced.” He said faintly, looking sick.

“That’s awful!” Molly said, sitting down and looking at Brian sadly.

“I know.” Brian said softly. “I guess I expected this, with all the fighting, but I had hoped they would, well, you know. Figure it out and all.” He laughed bitterly. “They expect me to tell Jenna, but how can I do that? It’s her first year here; I don’t want to ruin it for her.”

Jenna was Brian’s younger sister, who was a first year. She, like her brother, was in Ravenclaw but there was a similar situation between her and Brian and Amy and her sister; they rarely saw each other because their schedules were so different.

“She was doing so well too.” Brian said, getting up. “I’m going to take this to my dorm, put it somewhere safe.” He said, heading towards his dorm. When he had left they all sighed. After a long silence, Dan finally spoke.

“Well, at least he was forewarned, you know? It’s not like they all the sudden decided to split up.”

“Yea, I guess that’s good. But it’s going to be so hard on Jenna! We should do something for her.” Molly said, always the motherly figure.

“Like what?” Amy asked bitterly. “Make her cookies and say; ‘Here, sorry Christmas will never be the same? That your parents will never be together again?’”

“Good point.” Dan said, looking up as Brain came down the stairs. He was still pale, and looked almost as if he had the flue. Amt wasn’t sure what to do or say to make things better; she had never known anyone whose parents split up.

“Brian, if you need to talk, we’re all here for you.” Molly said, getting up and giving him a hug. He returned it halfheartedly but gratefully, obviously deep in thought but welcoming the comfort.

“Thanks.” Came his faint reply. He sat down slowly and looked at his Charms book. “Well, we’d better get to work.”

Everyone nodded and tried to concentrate on his or her work, but no one really got anything done. Brian stared at the same page for ten minutes, his eyes glazed over and his quill resting in his hand. Amy, Dan, and Molly kept exchanging glances every few minutes, looking up from the books they couldn’t bring themselves to read. When it became apparent, twenty minutes later, that none of them were going to get any work done Dan suggested they go for a walk. They all looked at Brian, who nodded.

“Yea, that sounds good.” He said, clearly happy to be able to do something distracting. The group headed slowly down to the main entrance, where they headed out into the open air. The warm weather, blue skies, and gay sunlight seemed to mock their unhappiness.

“Funny, isn’t it?” Brain asked, as they walked around the lake. “How bad news always seems to spoil perfect weather…” He trailed off and they were left in an uncomfortable silence. Brain took the opportunity to chuck a rock into the lake, watching it displace the water in a series of ripples and sink to the bottom.

After half an hour of sitting by the lake and watching the birds flying over the forbidden forest, Amy got up and dusted herself off.

“I think we’d had better go.” She said softly, not wanting to break the moment of peace. Everyone got up and grabbed their bags, which had been thrown carelessly on the lush grass, and began to head back. Amy gripped her bracelet, more for comfort then anything else.

“Hey,” Brain said, trying to smile. “We’ve got potions class next; maybe I can take some of my anger off on Snape?”

Everyone laughed softly, but Amy felt a twinge of fear; Brian had never talked like that before.
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run hard, be strong, think big // no drugs, just speed // siggy by the forever fabulous Vishu
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