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Old 10-08-2005, 05:32 AM   #204 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ottery St. Catchpole
Third Year
Talking *Wondering if anyone snuck in and posted while he was distracted by the GoFers* LoL
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:Iā™„Rupert

Back home...

It was a cool evening, the full moon showing through a veil of thin clouds showering the castle and the surroundings in her eerie silvery light, a mood accented by the howl of werewolves coming from the Forbidden Forest. Melissa and Ottery walked up the steps of Hogwarts together, the boy stopped on a step and sighed then turned around and started walking down the steps away from the Great Oak doors. A spell blast a step ahead of him stopped him. Melissa might be the slower spellcaster but she was still a perfect aim.

"Just where do you think you're going?" She asked tiredly.

"I forgot something in the carriage?" Ottery asked, lying disbelievingly.

"Nice try otter, but we didn't bring any luggage with us." She answered giving him a smile in spite of the fact that she was still annoyed at him for having been so silent the whole trip up.

"So, I'll just pop back to Morocco, and get my stuff then." He replied sarcastically.

She turned around and grabbed him by the arm and dragged him reluctantly into the castle.


"Ottery, so very nice of you to join us." Professor Dumbledore said politely, no hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"It's not as if I had much choice in the matter," he replied in a surly tone as he and Melissa walked into the professor's office. "Can I have my wand back now?" He asked Melissa pointedly.

At a nod from Dumbledore she reluctantly took it out of her jacket pocket and handed it to the boy. They were inside the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher's office, which he had decorated with whirring, buzzing devices, a painting or two, specimens of different dark creatures, poisonous plants guarded under glass, the shelves were lined with chained books Ottery knew held forbidden knowledge. He had peeked a few times with the help of earmuffs and a silencing spell as they were from the restricted section. Dumbledore's desk however was cleared of everything except a scroll with detailed drawings and descriptions of the magical items that it described. Ottery had seen it before, it was the reason he was back in his old Professor's office.

"I'm sorry I had to resort to such...tactics Ottery, but you gave me little choice. You know perfectly well that I need your help." The professor said, crossing his hands and catching Ottery's gaze. He was growing older, his hair had greyed long since they had first met but it was grown longer now as was his beard.

"I know sir, but that's not the point. I don't need your help. I don't need anyone I've told you this before. I can take care of finding the artifacts without anyones help." At those words he gave Melissa a meaningful glance.

"As if you'd have my help," she replied from where she was sitting in front of their Professor's desk. Ottery turned his back on them and started eyeing some Cornish Pixies the professor had in a glass jar, which were making obscene gestures at him as the dark haired boy made faces at them.

"That may well be true Ottery, but I think it would be better if you were assisted. You will remember that you are not the only one affected by the curse."

"If I didn't, I'm sure you would remind me." He shot back angrily. "I'm perfectly aware of my duty, sir."

Melissa sighed and rolled her eyes from where she sat. She could not believe that Ottery could be so gruff with the most popular teacher in the school, if there was ever anyone though who disliked authority, and found fault in perfection it was he. She wanted to get up then and slap some sense into him, but she well knew it would not work, heaven's knew she had smacked him enough times and he still showed no signs of being able to reason.

"That is not what I meant Ottery." Dumbledore replied his tone level but the slightest hint of seriousness and annoyance just beneath the surface.

"Why won't you just let me take care of this problem? It's all my fault. I'm the reason that David and Ruben are even caught up in this. I have to be the one to fix it. I can't..."

"Because I need you to do something else. I told you already I would take care of that problem. You should be focusing on the task at hand. It's of a graver importance." The Defense teacher replied.

"Cryptic conversations, and veiled discussions. Normally my favorite topic, seriously, but if you don't need me here anymore sir..." Melissa began, giving Ottery a smile. He looked at her through squinting eyes. He knew exactly what she had meant to accomplish by saying that, and likely it would work. She wanted to remind their Professor she was still there and that she too was going to be a part of his world saving schemes.

"Well Melissa, I need to talk to you too. I wanted to extend..."

Just then there was a knock at the office door and the room fell silent. Ottery knew they were expecting someone, he had just been dreading that moment, and suddenly it was upon him.
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