I'm feeling some more...but I don't know what to write? LOL OMG! Weirdness...LOL Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:Iā„Rupert "Sorry Mel, but you wouldn't understand," Ottery said as he pushed her off the tank. She landed softly on a cushion that Ottery had apparated in the blink of time it took her to fall. Just as he was the faster speller of the two he was also a considerate but ultimately insufferable, pain in the...well thanks to the cushion really there wasn't any pain. She sighed as the dark haired boy rolled off in the tank picking up the sand and throwing dust in the warming air of the old city street.
She started walking next to him, jogging to keep up.
"Ottery this thing is a tank not an Austin-Healy it can't go very fast." She said stubbornly.
"You're not going to stop me Mel."
"Boys never listen to reason," she said, as the three little German piggies followed behind her, squealing in protest. She huffed loudly, turned around and turned them back into humans, not caring anymore if anyone saw her or not. Ottery on a stolen German tanks was bound to cause enough of a ruckus with the Muggles that she didn't think they would mind seeing some magic.
"Think about Rick, Otts, is this how you're going to repay him back? Crushing his bar. Don't be thick." (T: She was young wasn't she. Ottery not being thick, why didn't she just ask you not to breathe? O: One of these days Teddy, one of these days...Pow! Right in the kisser)
The tank stopped abruptly, a street away from the Cafe Americain. The boy looked determined, but quiet. He had come to a decision she knew.
"It's nice to see you listening to reason for a change Ottery," she said as he hopped off the tank.
"You're right. I'm going to go in there and blast his block off!" The boy yelled.
As he started to walk back to the bar Melissa whispered, "I'm sorry Ottery," as she blasted him into sleep. His body lay on the ground unconscious. She knelt next to him and ran a hand through his hair. "The things you make me do you stupid crazy otter."
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