Smallville was sooooooooooo good tonight. OMG! LOL Update soon I hope. Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:Iā„Rupert *glomps Lissylove* Yes chat is evil, I haven't updated my fic and I'm ignoring everyone elses to be with you beautiful people at the chat. Evil. Evil I say. LOL That's why I love it. I love evil. LOL.
* Allucha, thanks for coming back. I've been reading your story I've just been, uhm busy with the chat to post...LOL It's addictive, it's evil, don't go to the chat kiddies. LOL
* Kelldar the Crusher LOL *glomps Kel* It's David's perspective, you know the metamorphmagus boy back at the beginning of the story. Old friends will be making a comeback, I didn't want to just create them and then drop them. But you'll see soon. Also I was experimenting with first person perspective, I always use omnicient narrator so I thought...just see how well I could pull it off. I think I did okay.
* So you're spying on me Lissy? LOL *glomps* You're always welcome here, and post when you can, I know how busy you are with the Uhm I mean your new mod duties. LOL.
* Hermione *lets her on the boat* welcome aboard and spam all you want. LOL.
* Si, you've got a big heart anyways so it doesn't matter what kind of hearts you use *winks* <3 So whadda ya think? Too slow too confusing? Too Ottery? LOL
* *glomps Ronboy, wipes his eyes and gives him lots of smoochies because he's cute* I'll Rp. It was that evil chat I tell you. LOL
* Piper. Gotta love those crazy 'nanners don't ya? Let me know when your fic is up, and I'm glad you keep to your word. I always try to.
* I love you all. I'm gonna see if I can post more and I'm sorry I'm so caught up in chat I've been neglecting you all even though you're lovely peeps. *glomps everyone* Here goes nothing.
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